Archive for the ‘Quilting’ Category

Two Things Over Looked

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016

Thing 1: Saturday, my family was invited to a baby shower. For some reason, I thought the baby was a boy, but nope, tis a girl. That meant a quick look around the studio for girlie fabrics. I usually make a self-binding baby blanket for baby showers, but didn’t have any girlie flannel prints in my stash, but I did find a kit for a baby tag blankie. Phew! Saved! I whipped it up Friday, and ran to the store to pick up a couple other baby items to add to the gift. I bought a chubbie baby book & a rattle/toy. When I was packing up the gifts, I was fearing that the mom might be one of those gals who hates pink! But when she opened it, she said pink is her favorite color! And her husband chimed in saying he has always wanted to learn to quilt. I told them my door is open if they ever want to come over to learn to make a baby quilt. So we will see if anything comes of that. Baby is due mid-April. I think they might be a tad too busy for quilting for a while!

Thing 2: My middle married daughter wanted to make a simple quilt for their new king size bed. We shopped together for the fabric, and I cut out strips according to her design. She took them home and sewed the top together. Then she brought it back to me to quilt. When I saw how huge it was, I was not willing to try to straight line quilt it on my home machine. So it sat for a while, since last Fall! Talking with a friend, who happens to own a longarm, she told me to bring it over and quilt it on her longarm! (which I did in late February) This was my first time to quilt on a longarm, I was thinking straight line quilting on a longarm would be difficult. Turns out I was wrong! My lines are mostly straight, the hard part was setting them up at a 1/4″ from the seams, as my daughter requested. I should have used a ruler to measure each row. Some are 1/2″ from the seams! When my daughter was up last weekend, she said she loved it! Phew! The variety in the stitching coordinates well with the various fabric widths. My daughter selected a dark gray from my stash for the binding. Yesterday I wrestled the quilt into submission to bind on my machine! That was a work out! I’ll ask my daughter to take a photo of it on her bed once she gets it to her home, next weekend. I’m glad to have it completed, but really, too bad winter is over when she and her hubby should have been enjoying it!

So, dear quilters, what have you forgotten about lately? Or are you so well organized you just don’t overlook projects?

On to my planned projects from last week – The t-shirt quilt is complete! I love the geometric design the longarm quilter used for this quilt! Hoping my customer agrees!

My Facets Quilt-Along quilt is finally getting some attention from me! Today I whipped up a back from the left over dark blue and light blue batiks, and had to add two more fabrics to make it large enough. (not photoed) Then I spray basted the sandwich using 505 temporary adhesive.

Using the Dual Feed with the Stitch-in-the-ditch foot, I stitched in the ditch around all the triangles. Next up is stitching 1/4″ from the seams in the light blue background fabric. I’m using Aurifil 2847 in the top and bobbin for the SITD and 1/4″ stitching.

How did I do on last week’s To-Do List:
  1. Bind the t-shirt quilt and deliver to customer. ✔︎ T-shirt quilt bound! Customer contacted, but we have not met up yet.
  2. Find a back for the Facets quilt. Sandwich! ✔︎ Just today, I sewed up the back, sandwiched, and stitched-in-the-ditch. Phew!
  3. Grocery shop! Kitchen is looking empty since I was gone last week. ✔︎ And even did some yummy cooking!
  4. If time always, I hope to spend some time on the Machine Quilting Block Party February block. ✗ Just not getting to this. Sigh.

This week’s To-Do List:

  1. Continue quilting the Facets quilt.
  2. Shop and prepare my part for our family Easter Dinner.
  3. Maybe work on the Machine Quilting Block Party Feb block??? At least get it marked for quilting!

I’m linking to Linky Tuesday and To-Do Tuesday.


Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

I baked this yesterday and then forgot to post!

Happy Pi Day!

Last week my youngest and I went to visit our east coast relatives during her college spring break. As it worked out, we hit the right week to help my father with downsizing. It was an emotional time for all of us, my sister, my brother & his wife also helped out. Mom has been moved to the dementia unit at the retirement home they have lived in the past 10 years ago. Good thing is she still recognizes all of us and can hold a decent conversation – for a while. Then she slips back about 20 years.

Since this was supposed to be a vacation for my daughter, we did go into Baltimore Harbor for a day, visited the aquarium, walked the Harbor, eat lunch out. And in the evening met up with my sister and her husband for dinner. We had a nice time visiting on the pier at The Point Crab House. (Thank you Russ and Lauren!) The weather was seasonable warm, so the restaurant had opened up all their doors, we ate out-of-doors. Yum! Crab cakes!

Then on Friday, we visited relatives. It is always nice to catch up with everyone! No quilt shop visits this time! LOL

Today I picked up the customer t-shirt from the longarmer.

I hope I have already made the binding. I usually do, so it is just so easy to sit down and stitch it on by machine.

Before leaving for our trip, I did finish piecing the Facets quilt top for Christa’s QAL.

I love how it has turned out! I was using Batik scraps left over from 2 other projects and had enough to make 4 improve pieced rows. Now to find the right fabric for the back and binding. I’m behind, as everyone else in the QAL are already working on the straight line quilting.

How did I do on my last To-Do list?

  1. Finish the Facets Quilt-Along top! ✔︎ All finished!
  2. FMQ February’s Machine Quilting Block Party block! ✗ I just can’t seem to get to the MQBP blocks! I’m behind by 2 now.
  3. Return to sewing on the next UFO on my list which is Metro Hoops by Sew Kind of Wonderful. My plan is to work on it at Thursday’s Curvy Quilters Group. ✔︎ I have been sewing on this one.
This week’s To-Do List:
  1. Bind the t-shirt quilt and deliver to customer.
  2. Find a back for the Facets quilt. Sandwich!
  3. Grocery shop! Kitchen is looking empty since I was gone last week.
  4. If time always, I hope to spend some time on the Machine Quilting Block Party February block.

I’m linking to Linky Tuesday and To-Do Tuesday.

March “In Like a Lion”

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

After a lovely weekend of temperatures  in the 60s, we have 30s today and SNOW! I do love snow, but I’m ready for Spring! Sunny days and warmer weather. Patience, right!? On the up side, our Snowdrops are blooming in the backyard! (I should have taken a picture Sunday.)

I’ve made some progress on Facets Quilt-Along. I only had enough batik scraps for 4 rows of the triangles.
I will alternate the blue triangle rows with the improv pieced batik rows. Christa’s pattern calls for one row of solid triangles, and eight rows of improv pieced rows. After I finish piecing the blue batik triangles, I will alternate them with the improv pieced rows.
Four more rows to piece!
How has the first day of March been for you? Nice weather and happy sewing? Hope so!

How did I do on last week’s To-Do list? I made a short list, as I thought that would help me accomplish everything this past week. Nope. It was just one of those weeks. Now that March is here, I’m hoping for a better month!

  1. Finish piecing the T-shirt quilt top & back. Take to longarm quilter. ✔️
  2. Piece Facets Quilt Along top. ✖︎ Still work’n on it.
  3. FMQ February’s Machine Quilting Block Party block. ✖︎ Does printing off the directions count for anything?

This week’s To-Do List:

  1. Finish the Facets Quilt-Along top!
  2. FMQ February’s Machine Quilting Block Party block!
  3. Return to sewing on the next UFO on my list which is Metro Hoops by Sew Kind of Wonderful. My plan is to work on it at Thursday’s Curvy Quilters Group.

I’m linking up with To-Do Tuesday List, and Linky Tuesday.


Sensory Overload

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

Social media can be so distracting. I’m enjoying all the Splendid Sampler photos popping up on Facebook. Tempting to join in, but I won’t as I have too many of my own ideas to keep me busy. If you are interested in making 6 inch finished blocks – 100 of them, with free patterns, 2 a week, check out the Splendid Sampler hosted by Pat Sloan and Jane Davidson.

Have you seen posts from QuiltCon 2106 held this past weekend in CA? Photos are popping up on blogs and Facebook. QuiltCon 2017 planning is well underway and will be held in Georgia. Wouldn’t that be fun to attend!?

After spending too much time photo gazing, I didn’t get much sewing done. I ended up pulling out the One Block Wonder February pattern and pieced four blocks for a little table topper.

This is a 9″ block, repeated 4 times, for an 18″ square table topper, I used Soft Dreams by P & B Textiles.

How did I do on last week’s To-Do list?

  1. Call quilt shop again, about fabric for the Bargello quilt. I’ve come up with a Plan B, that I hope they can accommodate.✔️Plan B should be in the mail. I hope the package arrives later this week!
  2. Work on t-shirt quilt. ✔️ I made progress, but not as far along as I would like to be.
  3. Cut background fabric for Facets Quilt-Along and start sewing top together. ✔️ Pieces all cut, and some sewing completed.
  4. FMQ February’s block for the Machine Quilting Block Party with Leah Day. ✖︎ It’s sitting here, still not marked or quilted.

This week’s To-Do List:

  1. Finish piecing the T-shirt quilt top & back. Take to longarm quilter.
  2. Piece Facets Quilt Along top.
  3. FMQ February’s Machine Quilting Block Party block.

I’ve allowed myself to be distracted by Facebook and blogs this week. Is there anything that easily distracts you from your well laid plans?

I’m linking to To-Do Tuesday List, and Linky Tuesday.

Check That Off the List!

Tuesday, February 16th, 2016

I’m so pleased to have this quilt top completed! I had parts of the border pieced, and took it along to my sewing day with the Curvy Quilters. I got the border all pieced and attached!

This is Sew Kind of Wonderful’s Curve It Up pattern. I used Moda’s Sphere by Zen Chic for the pieced blocks and Moda Grunge for the border. Moda solid white for the background.

The Grunge border just makes me happy! I think it plays well with Sphere. This quilt is going into the ‘to be quilted’ pile. Sorry dear quilt top, you are once again a UFO.

Here are a few of the triangles cut from the improv piecing for the Facets Quilt-Along I’m doing with Christa of Christa Quilts.

I’m using all Batik scraps from previous projects. I bought a pale blue batik with random splattered dots for the background fabric. I’m enjoying the process of this Quilt-Along. I like how Christa has broken the pattern down into weekly steps, with 8 weeks for the quilt-along. That includes machine quilting and binding, so I hope I can keep up!

How about you, are you particapating in any quilt-alongs or Block of the Months this year? If so, are you keeping up with the monthly schedule?

How did I do on last week’s To-Do List?

  1. Wait patiently for fabrics for the Bargello quilt. (With Lots of praying!) Still waiting.
  2. Work on T-shirt quilt while waiting for the Bargello fabric. Have to go shopping for the sashing, border, etc. ✔️Bought & washed fabrics, cutting sashing strips.
  3. Cut triangles for Facets quilt. ✔️Triangles cut from the improv piecing. Background fabric purchased.
  4. Back to next UFO – Sew border for Curve-It-Up quilt/Sew Kind of Wonderful pattern. ✔️ Another UFO top completed!

This week’s To-Do List:

  1. Call quilt shop again, about fabric for the Bargello quilt. I’ve come up with a Plan B, that I hope they can accommodate.
  2. Work on t-shirt quilt.
  3. Cut background fabric for Facets Quilt-Along and start sewing top together.
  4. FMQ February’s block for the Machine Quilting Block Party with Leah Day.

I’m linking to To-Do Tuesday and Linky Tuesday.

Improv Piecing

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

That was fun!

Batik scraps sewn together for the Facets Quilt-Along.

I have sewn together several improv sections using odd shaped Batik scraps. These will be cut into 2-4 triangles each, which is the next step in the Quilt-along.

Next up – Batik Strip Sets for a Bargello quilt.

I have 4 identical strip sets of 24 fabrics each, but need one more to be able to make a King size Bargello. The quilt shop & I have been on the phone and emailing to figure out how to match one more set! Sure hope it works out!

Have you ever had your plans foiled by not having enough fabric? I’m formulating Plan B in case I need one for the Bargello quilt.

How did I do on last week’s To-Do List?

  1. Start a new customer quilt, it’s a Bargello with appliqué. King size! ✔️Started! But no sewing yet. I calculated out the yardage, and it appears I don’t have enough to make the quilt as wide as needed. Bummer. I have contacted the quilt shop, and they do still have the fabric needed. Waiting for it to be confirmed & shipped!
  2. Start piecing the improv fabric for the Facets quilt. ✔️All pieced and ready for next step.

This week’s To-Do List:

  1. Wait patiently for fabrics for the Bargello quilt. (With Lots of praying!)
  2. Get back to the T-shirt quilt while waiting for the Bargello fabric. Have to go shopping for the sashing, border, etc.
  3. Cut triangles for Facets quilt.
  4. Back to next UFO – Sew border for Curve-It-Up quilt/Sew Kind of Wonderful pattern.

Linking to Linky Tuesday and To-Do Tuesday.

One Simple Block

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016

I started off February by making this month’s block in Leah Day’s Machine Quilting Block Party, Mystery Quilt Block #2.

For the star points, I used the Lazy Girl No-Math Ruler technique. I’m using scraps from my stash for this BOM. I love the orange Grunge in the corners, which was leftover from another project. There might not be enough left to show up in another block. I’m challenging myself to NOT buy fabric for this quilt along, other than white for the background.  I’ll be replenishing whites from the LQS at their next sale. I’m amazingly low right now on whites and creams.

Below is January’s Block pieced and quilted.

Leah’s Machine Quilting Block Party uses a Quilt-As-You-Go Technique. I have only made one quilt in this style, and Leah’s technique for joining the blocks is different from what I learned years ago. I’m looking forward to learning her process this year.

Next are the two blocks I made for January’s One Block Wonders BOM.

I have cut enough pieces to make a small quilt, but only got 2 blocks made. They will have to go into the WIP pile!

Next are the fabrics I will be using to piece the improv part of Christa Watson’s Facets Quilt Along.

I had leftover Batiks from another project, and since they are scraps, I thought they would be perfect for improv piecing.

Next up are T-shirts prepped with Pellon fusible interfacing (P44F) and squared up at 16 1/2″.

Using 16 shirts, I’m placing them in a 4 x 4 configuration. I need to shop for fabric for the sashing, corner stones, border, backing & binding. I’m waiting for the LQS sale that starts Feb 8th.

How about you? Are you trying any new-to-you techniques this year? I’d love to hear about them!

How did I do on last week’s To-Do List?

  1. GOT to get to the January One Block Wonders, deadline Friday! ✔️Got 2 blocks made, and enough pieces cut for a quilt top.
  2. Finish FMQ Machine Quilting Block Party January Block ✔️ I’m pretty happy with how this block turned out!
  3. Prep those t-shirts! ✔️ The least fun part in the process of making a t-shirt quilt!

This week’s To-Do List:

  1. Start a new customer quilt, it’s a Bargello with appliqué. King size!
  2. Start piecing the improv fabric for the Facets quilt.

I’m linking to Linky Tuesday and To-Do Tuesday.


Two Quilt Alongs

Friday, January 29th, 2016

As posted earlier, I’m trying my hand at several Quilt-Alongs and Block of the Months this year.

Here is my January block for One Block Wonders hosted by Upstairs Hobby Room.

I love this design! I cut out pieces to make a small quilt top, but alas, life kind of got in the way and I only stitched up one block. Guess it will be added to my Works In Progress (WIP) pile. If I don’t get to it in my free time, it will go with me on my quilting club days.

And here is the first block all pieced and quilted for Leah Day’s Machine Quilting Block Party.

Leah is teaching a Quilt-As-You-Go technique, so I’m looking forward to learning how she joins the already quilted blocks.  I used Superior Threads King Tut 40 weight, variegated yellow, color 985 for the top thread. And Aurifil 50 weight, yellow, color 1135 for the bobbin thread. My skills need to improve in the Free Motion Quilting (FMQ), but the threads and tension worked beautifully in my Janome.


Good Mail Day!

Tuesday, January 26th, 2016

Look what came in the mail today!

My friends and I were just talking about this festival today at our Curvy Quilters Group! One of the gals left early, and called saying the Shipshewanna Quilt Festival Catalogue was in her mailbox when she got home! Our hostess for the day then ran out to her mailbox, and there was her catalogue! She happily read the list of teachers, classes, and workshops to us. We are looking forward to attending!

Do you have a favorite Quilt Show to attend in your summer plans?

How did I do on last week’s To-Do List?

  1. Piecing One Block Wonders January quilt –  Nope, didn’t happen, but I did pick out fabrics.
  2. Mark and quilt first block of the Machine Quilting Block Party ✔️ FMQ almost complete!
  3. Decide on fabric for the Facets Quilt ✔️ Fabrics selected and I even started cutting pieces.
  4. Start prepping t-shirts for next customer quilt – Nope, but I did go shopping for sashing fabrics.
  5. Tuesday, Jan 26, Curvy Quilters Group, pick a WIP to take to work on. ✔️Had a great time with my group today!

This week’s To-Do List:

  1. GOT to get to the January One Block Wonders, deadline Friday!
  2. Finish FMQ Machine Quilting Block Party January Block
  3. Prep those t-shirts!

Linking to Linky Tuesday and To-Do Tuesday.


Quilt Alongs!

Tuesday, January 19th, 2016

Perhaps I’m spending way too much time hopping around the internet! I’m finding some wonderful Quilt Alongs and Block of the Months (BOM) that are so tempting!

I’ve joined a few, and will be watching a few. Here’s what I hope to participate in:

  1. One Block Wonders BOM Hosted by Sandy of  This started in October of 2015, and has been a lot of fun. You can make just one block or any size quilt you like using the block pattern presented each month.
  2. Facets Quit Along  Hosted by Christa of  The Facets quilt is one of the quilts in Christa’s new book Machine Quilting With Style. This quilt along starts now with gathering supplies and then February 5th is the first week of sewing, but of course ladies are already busy piecing. You can see some lovely progress on the Facebook group page.
  3. Tribal Block Club Hosted by Amy of Amy is presenting 6 blocks and 3 patterns over the next few months. Her tag line is “6 blocks | 3 quilts | endless possibilities”. I had the pleasure of testing a pattern for Amy, and do hope to play along some using several of her blocks!
  4. And as if that is not enough, I also signed up for Machine Quilting Block Party Hosted by Leah Day of This is a BOM that is a quilt-as-you-go technique. The idea is to improve piecing and FMQ. There is always room for improvement!

I’m thinking I’m a sucker at this point! At least #1 and #4 are just one block a month. I’ll tweak the Facets quilt to my liking, and not sure what I’ll make during the Tribal Block Club.

Above is Block #1 of Leah Day’s BOM, pieced and ready to mark for quilting.

Here are a few Quilt Alongs I will be watching:

  1. Quilt with Me Hosted by Katja of This quilt along is pieced hexies also constructed with a quilt-as-you-go technique. Plus it is English Paper Piecing (EPP) and Katja is using big stitching with perle cottons for the quilting. Lovely! You can follow along on her Facebook page. I think EPP and hand work is a lovely idea, I just don’t see getting to it this year.
  2. Suzybee Growth Chart is also a FMQ Quilt Along Hosted by Karen of Karen uses preprinted fabric growth charts to practice FMQ. She will be sharing tips for improving FMQ. I bought the growth chart, (hope it arrives in today’s mail! It did!) and will see if I actually fit this project in to my sewing time!
  3. The Splendid Sample Hosted by Pat Sloan and Jane Davidson. There will be 100 – 6″ block patterns presented through out the year by many talented quilt designers.  There is a Facebook page too.  This one I’m watching! A friend sent me a link and asked if I would be joining. Mmmm, no! Not with everything else already planned!

Above, preprinted growth chart for FMQ along.

I finished the Dot-to-Dot top. Pattern by Sew Kind of Wonderful. I have fabric for the binding, and some pieces left over from the top. I plan to piece those and put into the back.

I used a Layer Cake pack of Horizon by Kate Spain and several tone-on-tone creams for the background. The top is 57″ x 76 1/2″.

How did I do on last week’s To-Do List?

  1. Add border to my daughter’s quilt. ✔️Border attached and back made. Needs some longarm quilting.
  2. Call customer to pick up her t-shirt quilt and pillow. ✔️She picked them up and loved them!
  3. Work on Dot-to-Dot top. ✔️ Top completed!
  4. Work on One Block Wonders January block.

This week’s To-Do List includes getting to those BOM and Quilt Alongs!

  1. Piecing One Block Wonders January quilt.
  2. Mark and quilt first block of the Machine Quilting Block Party
  3. Decide on fabric for the Facets Quilt
  4. Start prepping t-shirts for next customer quilt
  5. Tuesday, Jan 26, Curvy Quilters Group, pick a WIP to take to work on.