Archive for the ‘Quilting’ Category

One Monthly Goal – June!

Friday, June 2nd, 2017

Is it really June already? This year is flying by! Happily, I’m completing quilts and checking them off my to-do list each month.

Since I had success in May OMG with quilting and binding a table topper each week, I think I’ll continue with quilting table toppers again in June.

But I’ll only commit to 3 table toppers this month. I have to allow time for quilt festivals and retreats!

So here they are. All are from a BOM I followed last year. One Block Wonders hosted by Up Stairs Hobby Room.

The quilt patterns are: Blessings,  Topographical, and Whispered Dreams.

One is partially quilted, and the other 2 are ready with backs and batting. I even have 2 bindings already prepared.

My goal for June is complete the quilting of the three table toppers. If I have time, I hope to attach the bindings, but I’m  not commenting to that!

Have you set your June OMG? Come play along with us at Elm Street Quilts, One Monthly Goal!

One Monthly Goal – May Finish!

Tuesday, May 30th, 2017

For May, I decided my goal would be to quilt 4 little table toppers I had pieced but not yet quilted.

Above photo, they are sandwiched and ready for quilting. I use 505 Spray for basting.

The first week of May I quilted Brilliant Cluster using a simple diagonal grid. Brilliant Cluster pattern was from a BOM I followed last year sponsored by Up Stairs Hobby Room.

The second week I quilted Simply Elegant using a clam shell ruler. Read more about it and see close up photos here.

The third week I quilted Sweet Mint. You can see more photos and read about this table runner here.

During the rest of May I quilted Jolene Star, a table topper pattern by Laundry Basket Quilts. Today, I attached the binding. Read more about the quilting here.

All four finished!

I reached my May OMG! Not only did I get the 4 table toppers quilted which was my goal, I also got the binding on each one. I’ll consider that a Bonus!

Check out all the other One Monthly Goal participants and see what they have been busy sewing and quilting by hopping over to Elm Street Quilts.

Stitching and Quilting Continued

Tuesday, May 30th, 2017

Thursday I hosted my Curvy Quilters group. I worked on stitching up more improv piecing and completed the 80 triangles needed for the Facets quilt I’m making for my son. Next up is cutting the background triangles. Pictured is the light blue that will be the background, two piles of the improv piecing, and a pile of dark blue Batik triangles.

As time allowed this past week, I also worked on quilting my Jolene Star table topper. I quilted it with Fantastico 40 weight variegated pink thread color number 5031 by Superior Threads. This thread was in a sampler bag I bought and I do like it! Bobbin thread was The Bottom Line 60 weight, Taupe, also by Superior Threads.

I used a design from Lori Kennedy‘s new book Free-Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3, Open Spiral Leaf on pages 70-71.

Tension is just a little off on the back. Sigh. I will have to keep working on that. I do like the design though, Open Spiral Leaf. I practiced drawing it out on paper, then quilted on a practice sandwich, then bravely moved on to the quilt! It’s not perfect, but I like it.

I think I’m improving on my Free Motion quilting skills, which is a goal of mine for this year. How about you? Are you working towards improving in any areas of quilting this year?

How did I do on last week’s To-Do List?

  1. Part 4 of my OMG is to quilt another table topper – Jolene Star. ✔️ Quilted and binding attached!
  2. Thursday I meet with my Curvy Quilters group. I’ll be working on more improv piecing for the Facets quilt. ✔️I have all the improve triangles completed!
  3. Enjoy time with family. I don’t think I’ll be fitting in any more sewing/quilting this coming week. ✔️ We had a great time with family and I sewed up 3 curtains for my daughter’s new home!

This week’s To-Do List:

  1. Cut background for Facets quilt.
  2. Continue quilting In Box Jaunt Quilt-Along. I’m falling behind on this one, so hope to catch up.

Sweet Mint Table Runner

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017

Sweet Mint is a pattern by Edyta Sitar of Laundry Basket Quilts. A few years ago while working at a LQS, I demoed the Sweet Mint templates showing how to cut and sew the pieces together. But I never finished the project! Last month I pull out this UFO, finished the top as a table runner. This past week I completed the quilting and binding. Yippie! a UFO checked off the list!


Quilted, and binding made from scraps.

Last week I spent some time teaching a friend how to make pillow cases using the Burrito Method. We used a Serger though, instead of French Seams. Much quicker!

Shown are just a few of the 24 pillow cases made. These will be going to the charity Case for Smiles.

How did I do on last week’s To-Do List?

  1. Complete next step in the In Box Jaunt Quilt-Along.  ✔️ Sandwiched and SITD quilted.
  2. Sew up May block for the Sit Down Free Motion Quilters BOM.  ✗ Didn’t touch this one.
  3. Quilt Dresden Plate table runner as part 3 of my OMG. ✔️ Completed!

This week’s To-Do List:

  1. Part 4 of my OMG is to quilt another table topper – Jolene Star.
  2. Thursday I meet with my Curvy Quilters group. I’ll be working on more improv piecing for the Facets quilt.
  3. Enjoy time with family. I don’t think I’ll be fitting in any more sewing/quilting this coming week.

I’m linking to To-Do Tuesday and Linky Tuesday.

Oh! And this was a fun surprise this morning! My last week’s post about poor tension was featured on Connie’s blog Freemotion by the River.



Quilting Clam Shells and Fills

Tuesday, May 16th, 2017

Sunday, May 14th was Mother’s Day here in the USA. During our annual Mother’s Day walk at a State park we came across these beauties! Lady’s Slippers!

I had a lovely Mother’s Day with family. We had a few who sadly could not join us this year. I hope you had a lovely Mother’s Day too!

On to quilting!

Last week I challenged myself to use the Westalee Sew Steady Clam Shell quilting ruler. For me, there was a bit of getting comfortable holding the ruler in place while moving the quilt under the machine needle. I had a few jiggles where I didn’t stay snug up against the ruler, but all in all I’m pleased with the results. No ripping out, I kept the mistakes in the quilting.

Simply Elegant is the name of the pattern for this table runner.

Made with a 2 1/2″ strip pack, Tonga Treats, from Timeless Treasures.

The clam shell design shows up better on the back.

As I was quilting the clam shells, I got to thinking that it might be fun to go back and do some quilting inside some of the shells. Above is simple straight lines.

This fill I’m calling petals.

Pebbles or circles with smaller circle inside.  I used a variegated King Tut by Superior Thread, color 921. Love it!

About three quarters of the way through quilting designs in the shells, I had a bobbin problem. I cleaned it up and went on my merry way. I didn’t realize I now had another problem until I finished the quilting and turned the quilt over! The tension got worse with each new fill design! But, I must say, I kind of like the look of the above mess! I’m leaving it! It’s on the back, the quilt is for my own use, and it will be a good example of what not to do in a future quilting class! I used Superior Thread, The Bottom Line, in Taupe in the bobbin.

If you are interested in seeing more fills in quilt designs, take a look at Esther’s designs over at I Patch and Quilt. I just discovered her blog this past week! She has a series going on right now on FMQ samples. So much fun!

How has your quilting week been? I’m having fun with my weekly goals this month of quilting up one small table topper per week!

How did I do on last week’s To-Do List?

  1. Practice crocheting stitch – next step for Fusion Blanket.  ✔️ But not anything I want to show yet!
  2. Quilt Simply Elegant Table Runner using a Clam Shell design. ✔️Clam Shell, and some fillers, and even got the binding on!
  3. Waiting for FMQ step for The In Box Jaunt Quilt-Along. ✔️ Next step was posted today.
  4. Sit Down Free Motion Quilters May BOM pattern is up and ready. Time to piece another block. ✗ Printed pattern, but have not worked on the block yet.

This week’s To-Do List:

  1. Complete next step in the In Box Jaunt Quilt-Along.
  2. Sew up May block for the Sit Down Free Motion Quilters BOM.
  3. Quilt Dresden Plate table runner as part 3 of my OMG.

I’m linking to To-Do Tuesday and Linky Tuesday.

A Finish, A WIP, and 2 New Starts

Tuesday, May 9th, 2017

Quilted and bound! Last year while taking part in One Block Wonders BOM sponsored by Sandy of Upstairs Hobby Room, I stitched up Brilliant Cluster her block for July. I love this block! I love the colors! I used some scraps I won from Colorways by Vicki Welsh and also some scrap batiks for piecing.

Last week I did a simple diagonal grid quilting design using my Janome walking foot. I used a variegated blue 30 weight Signature for the top thread and Aurifil blue 2805, 50 weight in the bobbin. For binding I used a dark blue left over from another larger quilt. Finishing this quilt makes Part 1 of my 4 part quilting goal checked off my May goal list!

This week I plan to use a clam shell design to quilt this table runner made from a batik strip pack called Tango Treats by Timeless Treasures.

The pattern is call Simply Elegant Table Runner and was included in the strip pack.  Above is just a portion of the quilt.

I bought a sampler pack of Westalee Design rulers that includes a clam shell ruler. Time to try it out!

Batiks! I love them! I won a Jelly Roll from Christa Quilts last year while particapating in her Facets Quilt-Along. Now I’m making a second Facets using the Jelly Roll and several yardage pieces.

Improv piecing started.

Facets plan worked out above and the blue batik I’ll be using in place of the red in the pattern.

I added another Quilt-Along to my project list – even though I had told myself I would not join anymore quilt-alongs this year! But, I am finding the ones geared to improving FMQ too tempting. Lori of The In Box Jaunt is offering a Spring Quilt-Along.

I pieced the above top to use for playing along with Lori’s quilt-along.

How about you, are you following any Quilt-Alongs this year?

How did I do on last week’s To-Do List?

  1. Work on ‘Facets’ at Curvy Quilters this Thursday. ✔️ Solid triangles cut, and improve piecing started.
  2. Finish blanket stitching the Fusion squares! ✔️ Finally!
  3. Quilt the One Block Wonders quilt that I pieced last July. This is part of my One Monthly Goal for May. ✔️
This week’s To-Do List:
  1. Practice crocheting stitch – next step for Fusion Blanket
  2. Quilt Simply Elegant Table Runner using a Clam Shell design.
  3. Waiting for FMQ step for The In Box Jaunt Quilt-Along.
  4. Sit Down Free Motion Quilters May BOM pattern is up and ready. Time to piece another block.

I’m linking to To-Do Tuesday and Linky Tuesday.

Time to Start a New Quilt

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017

Thursday my Curvy Quilters group will be meeting for a day of sewing. Since I take along my Featherweight sewing machine and it can only sew straight stitches, I plan on starting a new quilt. I have batiks purchased to make Christa Watson’s ‘Facets’ from her Machine Quilting with Style Book.

This will be the second time I’ve made the Facets quilt. I followed along with Christa’s Quilt-Along last year.

Since son #1  commented on how much he liked the Facets quilt shown above, I’ve decided to make this one for him. But he requested that it be bed size. I might need more fabric! I had given the first lap size Facets to son #2 and my DIL because she loves batiks.

Last week I completed 3 charity quilts.  Read more about these quilts and see more photos here.

Here are some close ups of the quilting.

Above, in the corners of this quilt I did this circle/star design. I stitched around the design twice so it showed up nicely on the light fabric.

For the last 2 quilts, I switched to an overall design, stitching edge to edge.

Above, I used a large overall meandering design.

On the above quilt, I added loops to the meandering design.

Phew! 3 quilts completed! Completing them was my One Monthly Goal for April.

As for the Fusion Blanket, I keep chugging along on the blanket stitches. I think I have only 7 more squares to complete before the next step of crocheting around each square.

And now it is May! You know the saying “April showers bring May flowers?” Hubs and I have taken several walks at local nature preserves, and the wild flowers are bountiful and beautiful this Spring! To name a few, we have seen Phlox, Wild Geranium, Spring Beauties, Trilliums, and my favorite- Jack in the Pulpit.

I’ll leave you with 2 photos borrowed from the internet.


and Wild Geraniums

I hope you are enjoying the season in your part of the world!

How did I do on last week’s To-Do List?

  1. Finish 3 charity quilts. Tops are pieced. Maybe backs, hope so. Sandwich, quilt, and bind. One is almost complete. ✔️ Yes!
  2. Keep plugging away on Fusion Blanket – blanket stitch squares. ✔️ Plugging away on it is about right. One little square at a time.

This week’s To-Do List:

  1. Work on ‘Facets’ at Curvy Quilters this Thursday.
  2. Finish blanket stitching the Fusion squares!
  3. Quilt the One Block Wonders quilt that I pieced last July. This is part of my One Monthly Goal for May.

I’m linking to To-Do Tuesday and Linky Tuesday.

One Monthly Goal – May

Monday, May 1st, 2017

For the month of May, I have decided to continue with practice in FMQ and ruler work as my goal. I have four small quilts waiting for my attention. Two are from demos I did back in 2014-15 at a local quilt shop. Another is a table runner made from a Bali Batik strip pack, and the last is from the One Block Wonders BOM I participated in last year.

My goal will be to do a different design in each of the four quilts. Anything from simple grid work, to (I hope) a Clam Shell design. This goal will not include binding, but if I get to that, then it will be all the more special.

I’m linking to One Monthly Goal over at Elm Street Quilts.

How about you? Are you joining the OMG challenge? Hop on over to Elm Street Quilts and read all about it!

One Monthly Goal – April Finish!

Friday, April 28th, 2017

Phew! I got um done! On Monday, April 24th, when Patty put up the link for April’s OMG finishes, I was no where near finished! So I put the pedal to the metal – Baby Lock Tiara III pedal to the floor – and cranked out quilting on three charity quilts.

Side note:  My loving husband surprised me with the Tiarra as my Christmas gift 2016, so I’m still kind new at this FMQ and ruler work quilting! I’ve been mostly practicing on table runners. But I did step it up last month to quilt Charity quilts on the Tiara.

So Monday comes along and I have not worked much on my OMG, I was consoling myself with at least I made headway on other projects. I just would have to let this month’s OMG pass. But, seeing Patty’s post got me motivated to get to it! – - After picking up a t-shirt quilt from the longarmer and attaching binding on the customer’s quilt.

Why did I select 3 charity quilts at my OMG? While looking in my stash last month for backing fabric, I came across three charity quilt tops that I had forgotten about.  I had fabric for backs, batting, and strips for binding all bundled together for the tops. Completing the three 42″ square quilt tops through to the binding became my OMG for April.

For the first quilt, I started with 1/4″ stitching in the Dresden Plate blades, and 1/4″ stitching around the outside of the Dresden Plate. I did various loops and squiggles in the blue and red strips that are not showing up in the photo above.

Here is a close up of part of the back that shows the squiggles a little better.

And here is a close up of the circles and star in one of the corners.

I stitched around the circles and star twice so the deep red thread would show up nicely on the light fabric. I had this quilt finished including binding Wednesday night.

Thursday, I got the second quilt sandwiched – I use 505 Spray for basting. I got to thinking that time is running short and my weekend is looking pretty busy, so what could I do to complete these quilts a little faster than stitching in the Dresden Plates and using squiggles in the strips, and more planned quilted designs?  Ta-da! Why not use the big meandering that the longarm quilter just used in the t-shirt quilt?

For the next quilt, I just did a large all over meander.

Looks nice, I thought. I had this finished Thursday afternoon.

Close up above of the meandering.

Thursday night I stitched up the back for the last quilt, and got the front, back and batting pressed.

As I got this last quilt sandwiched today (Friday) I thought I’d stitch this one with loops in the meandering.

Ok! I like the look of this one too!

The original plan was to try out various FMQ techniques on these three quilts in the corners, and strips. But with the time crunch, that didn’t happen. But I do have to say, I am pleased with how the large meandering and loops turned out. Not what I originally planned, but a nice finish all the same!

Check out Elm Street Quilts to see all the other quilters One Monthly Goal finishes for the month of April! And then you can join in for May!

Machine Quilt Bindings

Tuesday, April 25th, 2017

Yesterday I picked up the t-shirt quilt I’ve been working on from the longarmer.

Today I squared up the quilt, cut and attached binding.

Above is a close up of the binding at the mitered corner on the t-shirt quilt. I sew the binding on to the back of the quilt, and flip it to the front. Then machine stitch the binding in place using the Flat Fell pressure foot by Janome.

Above, is what the stitching looks like on the back. Sorry that it is red on red, but my client wanted red sashing, border, back, and binding, so I hope you can see the thread. The stitching is just about 1/8″ beyond the binding.

Machine stitching on a binding is my favorite method for attaching bindings. No more hand stitching for me. Too many quilts and not enough time for that hand stitching! Of course, I’m not entering quilts into shows, if so, I would be doing that stitching by hand.

Another little accomplishment was stitching up the April block from the Sit Down Free Motion Quilters Facebook group. This month was paper piecing. Just one block.

Jeanne Harrison of the Sit Down Free Motion Quilters Facebook group has lots of videos for the BOM offered in the group. If you have not tried paper piecing, you might want to join the group and take a look at her paper piecing method.

Have you ever tried paper piecing? Do you like it?

How did I do on last week’s To-Do List?

  1. Get back to blanket stitching Fusion Blanket squares. ✔️ Slowly but surely, I’ll get those squares all blanket stitched.
  2. Need to work on OMG for April – charity quilts! ✔️ I think my goal was too big this month. But the month is not over yet! I have one charity quilt sandwiched and FMQ almost completed. Then binding, and the 2 more to do.
  3. Sit Down Free Motion Quilters April BOM pattern is up and ready. Paper Piecing this month. ✔️ Block pieced!
  4. Hexie quilt – borders or not? Figure out a plan for the quilt. ✗

This week’s To-Do List:

  1. Finish 3 charity quilts. Tops are pieced. Maybe backs, hope so. Sandwich, quilt, and bind. One is almost complete.
  2. Keep plugging away on Fusion Blanket – blanket stitch squares.

I’m linking to To-Do Tuesday and Linky Tuesday.