Archive for the ‘Quilting’ Category

Free Motion Quilting

Tuesday, February 7th, 2017

Let me share with you a surprise gift from my husband! Over the course of last year, I talked a bit about sit down quilting machines. I was curious about them, the price, the space, etc. and I shared what I learned with Hubs. He, in turn, started researching them online. While out and about we stopped at a couple quilt shops, which  just happened to also be sewing machine dealers. I got to try out Janome Artistic, Handi Quilter and Gammill. What I didn’t know was that Hubs contacted a Janome and Baby Lock dealer in the city where he works, and was convinced that the Baby Lock Tiara III would be just the machine for me! He found a slightly used one online and Was I Ever Surprised When UPS Delivered It To My Door! 

I’ve been playing on sandwiched muslin.

I’m still tweaking the tension. Tiara for some reason does not like the cone of thread I bought, as it keeps breaking at the needle. But spools of thread work fine, even metallic thread!

Above is first lesson from the Facebook Sit Down FMQ group, I’m just practicing on muslin. And as you can see, I’m stitching over older stitching.

Above is a peak at some (kind of OK) quilting I have done on 2 charity quilts.

Forgive the horrible photo, above is the being of the sampler for the Facebook Sit Down FMQ lessons. I have to learn to relax, and enjoy this FMQ!

How was your week?

How did I do on last week’s To-Do-Tuesday list?

  1. Next step in sofa slip cover. Buy muslin to sew up 3 pillows covers. ✗
  2. I have so many things I want to get to – I’m a little overwhelmed right now with which to do next! FMQ sampler is one. ✔️Pulled and marked fabric for this project, and completed lessons 1-6.
  3. Start a new quilt? or start quilting a finished top? ✔️Since I left this rather open-ended, I’ll claim success because I pulled out 3 charity quilts to work on.

This week’s  To-Do Tuesday List :

  1. Pillow case sewing with friend.
  2. Continue working on charity quilts.
  3. Continue work on FMQ sampler.

Linking to To-Do Tuesday List.

One Monthly Goal, February

Thursday, February 2nd, 2017

It’s time to set my quilty goals for February and link up to One Monthly Goal hosted by Elm Street Quilts.

When looking through my pieced tops for inspiration for this month’s goal, I found 3 charity quilts I never completed.

All three are sandwiched, and even have some quilting!

My goal for this month will be to finish at least one of the quilts.

Wouldn’t it be great if I finished all three and actually donated them!?

They are small lap quilts, and I think some simple quilting will be fine for finishing them.

Linking to OMG.

Wrapping up January 2017 & a Label Making Tutorial

Tuesday, January 31st, 2017

I do like it when my plans for the week come together. And, actually, January has been a pretty good start to the New Year.

Last week I listed the following on my To-Do-Tuesday list

  1. Sew back for son’s quilt. ✔️
  2. Finish center sofa cushion.  ✔️
  3. Working on Leah Day’s 2016 BOM.  ✔️

1.  The back for my son’s quilt is all sewn together and the batting purchased. I even used an extra block to make a label which is sewn into the back.

How about a little Label Making Tutorial for those that do not have alphabet embroidery on their sewing machines?

Here is the extra block I used to make a label.

I had to figure out wording that would fit into the cream diamond shapes.

But first, the block needed some prepping.

On the back of the block I ironed on Reynolds Freezer Paper with a hot dry iron. Shiny side will adhere to fabric.

The freezer paper will give stability to the fabric, keeping it from shifting while writing on the fabric with a fabric marker.

Since I do not have the best handwriting, I used a light box to trace the wording.

I selected a font on the computer and figured out what I wanted to document, and printed out the label spaced for the area I had available in the block.  I used font Symbol, size 36, printed Bold for the label. (above)

Often, I will practice with different size pens to find what is right for the label.

For this label I used Pigma Pen Graphic #1.

Here the light box is on, the printed label is under the block, and the words are being traced.

Once words were traced, I removed the block from the light table and used a press cloth, pressed the writing with a hot dry iron to set the ink into the fabric. Remove the freezer paper and the label block is complete! (Did you notice the date 2012? Yes, I’m that far behind in getting the quilt completed for my son and DIL.)

Now, Back to my other finishes for the week!

2.  I finished the center sofa cushion cover. It just took me a while to get to the store to buy more zippers, which was my only hold up on finishing the cushion cover.

I think covering the cushions will actually be the easiest part of the whole slip cover making process!

3.  My version of Leah Day’s 2016 Machine Quilting Block Party is complete!

I’m happy with how it turned out.

The backing is the same yellow print as the sashing and binding. Leah has a new BOM for 2017, but I’m not particapating this year.

I’ve decided to follow along with the Facebook group Sit Down Free Motion Quilters and their BOM. Yesterday I finished the block for January.

This BOM will have a mix of pieced and appliqué blocks with the free motion quilting part starting up later this year. Jeanne Harrison has posted videos on youtube for constructing this block, and also has many other videos on free motion quilting. Check out Facebook to join the group!

As this month comes to an end, it is time to think of a new goal for the month of February to link to Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal. You can see the goal I achieved for January here. I’ll be posting my new goal later this week.

2017 has started out well for me with my quilting and sewing goals. I have 2 finished quilts, a new BOM under way, baby steps on the slip cover, all are putting a smile on my face!

How about you, has January been a successful month?

Now for my weekly To-Do Tuesday List :

  1. Next step in sofa slip cover. Buy muslin to sew up 3 pillows covers.
  2. I have so many things I want to get to – I’m a little overwhelmed right now with which to do next! FMQ sampler is one.
  3. Start a new quilt? or start quilting a finished top?
I’m linking to To-Do-Tuesday and Linky Tuesday.


One Monthly Goal, January

Wednesday, January 25th, 2017

One Monthly Goal, January Finish!

My goal for January was to quilt a top I stitched together back in March of 2016.

Goal accomplished!

I quilted, bound, and mailed the quilt off to the relief program set up for those affected by the Smoky Mountain/Gatlinburg fires.

I did a simple programed wavy stitch across the quilt and then went back and stitched diagonally across the quilt following the center and edge of the quilt blocks.

I used a variegated King Tut from Superior Threads.

Here’s hoping for 11 more months of successfully meeting the One Monthly Goal!

Join in the fun at Elm Street Quilts.

Hmmm. What should my February goal be?

A Few Things

Tuesday, January 24th, 2017

Happily, I got the 2 borders on the quilt for my son and daughter-in-law. I was coming down with some bug, and didn’t even think to get a photo with them holding up the quilt top while they visited this past weekend. Sigh.

So here is a photo of one corner of the finished quilt top. The fabrics are Northcott and Moda Marbles.

Cushion covers! I finished 2. Still have not made it to the store to buy one more zipper. I seam to be spending most of my time since Saturday fighting this bug. Too much coughing and not enough sleeping.

That’s all for this week. I hope you are all staying well. I think I’ll go back to bed now as I got so little sleep last night.

How did I do on last week’s To-Do Tuesday List?

  1. Continue sewing cushion covers. ✔️
  2. Cut and attach border to Remembering Victoria quilt. ✔️
  3. PJs. ✗

To-Do Tuesday List for this week:

  1. Sew back for son’s quilt.
  2. Finish center sofa cushion.
  3. Working on Leah Day’s 2016 BOM.

Linking to To-Do-Tuesday and Linky Tuesday.

Old Stuff or I’m Late!

Tuesday, January 17th, 2017

Catching up! Slowly I go. November and December blocks from Leah Day’s 2016 Machine Quilting Block Party are quilted! The next step is putting all the blocks together in Leah’s quilt-as-you-go method. I’ll be so happy to have this one checked off my list. Too bad I didn’t keep up with it, I fell behind in November.

Actually, Leah shared instructions back in September to start the quilt-as-you-go method, so I’m really behind since September, as I don’t have any of the blocks sewn together.

Another project I have going (bought fabric about a year and a half ago) is making a slip cover for my sofa. I’ve been working on covering the cushions this week. I got pieces cut out  - had to work up my nerve to cut into that fabric! Today I sewed 2 zipper closings. What in the world happened to that third zipper? Looks like I need to run to Joann’s for a third zipper.

And since I like hopping around from one project to another before finishing one. UGH! Why do I do this to myself? I also calculated out borders for the quilt I’m making for my son and DIL. Sadly this is another UFO as I got to one point in the piecing and just didn’t like the quilt. I’m convincing myself to finish it. Son and family will be in town next weekend, so I really need to got those borders cut and attached so I have progress to show them!

This is an old photo. The blocks are now finished & sewn in rows, and ready for borders. This quilt is Remembering Victoria from Elm Creek Quilts book.

How is your week going? Have you ever started a quilt for someone and just didn’t like it? How did you solve the problem?

How did I do on last week’s To-Do Tuesday List?

  1. Sew cushion covers for sofa.  ✗  I should have said sew three zipper strips.  But I even failed at that b/c I only have 2 zippers. Oops! Need to run to Joanns for a third zipper.
  2. Mark and quilt last 2 blocks from Leah Day’s BOM. ✔️
  3. Plan borders for enlarged Remembering Victoria pattern from Elm Creek Quilts book. This quilt is for my son and DIL. She picked out the pattern and fabrics. ✔️ Got it figured out.
  4. Pjs??? ✗ I really don’t like making garments, alas, not even really simple ones.

To-Do Tuesday List for this week:

  1. Continue sewing cushion covers.
  2. Cut and attach border to Remembering Victoria quilt.
  3. PJs.

I’m linking to To-Do Tuesday and Linky Tuesday.

First finish in 2017!

Tuesday, January 10th, 2017

Last year I took part in Sandy’s One Block Wonders of Upstairs Hobby Room. This week I basted, quilted and bound the top I pieced back in March of 2016. I did walking foot quilting in a simple wavy stitch. I stitched down the center of each pieced row and then also stitched diagonally right to left following the center and edges of the ‘block’ as my guide line. The binding is scrappy, using strips from the line of fabric.

The top was made from Raindrops by Lonni Rossi for Andover Fabrics and Kona Snow for the background. The quilt is 60″ square. I used Warm & White batting.

Close up of quilting, using King Tut Quilting Thread by Superior Threads, 40 weight, Rainbow variegated color number 921. I used The Bottom Line by Superior Threads, 60 weight, color number 650.

There was a call for quilt donations for those affected by the Smoky Mountain/Gatlinburg fires. As I understand it, quilts will be collected through January 31st. Knoxville Modern Quilt Guild is collecting quilts. This quilt is heading there.

I’m still behind on Leah Day’s 2016 Machine Quilting Block Party. I have the last 2 blocks pieced but not yet quilted.

November’s block.

December’s block.

A new project for this year is making a slip cover for my living room sofa. I can check off making the piping for the cushions.

The piping is sitting on the fabric that will cover the cushions. Next up, sewing the cushion covers.

Maybe this should be a separate post, but, I have organized my quilting plans for 2017. I’ve organized my quilting notebook into the following categories: Quilts to Finish Piecing, Quilt Tops to Sandwich and Quilt, Quilts to make on my ‘Wish to Make’ list.

I’m particapating in One Monthly Goal  hosted by Elm Street Quilts. At the beginning of each month I’ll post which quilt I’ll focus on, taken from one of the three lists above, and then at the end of the month I’ll share how I progressed. Hopefully there will be 12 finishes by the end of the year!

I’m tickled to already have my One Monthly Goal completed and will move on to another. How are your goals for the New Year coming along?

How did I do on last week’s To-Do Tuesday List?

  1. Finish pjs. ✗ Sigh. Didn’t touch them this week.
  2. Continue thinking about that slip cover? OK, I’ll break it down into smaller tasks – this week make piping for the cushions. ✔️ Success!
  3. Plan an attack on WIP from 2016. ✔️ I have my
  4. Piece November and December’s blocks from Leah Day’s 2016 Sunshine Surprise Quilt-as-you-go BOM. ✔️

To-Do Tuesday List for this week:

  1. Sew cushion covers for sofa.
  2. Mark and quilt last 2 blocks from Leah Day’s BOM.
  3. Plan borders for enlarged Remembering Victoria pattern from Elm Creek Quilts book. This quilt is for my son and DIL. She picked out the pattern and fabrics.
  4. Pjs???

I’m linking to To-Do Tuesday and Linky Tuesday.

January: Goal Setting

Wednesday, January 4th, 2017

Connie over at Freemotion By The River shared that she will be particapating in a few challenges this year. And that got me to thinking about how to prioritize the quilts I hope to complete this year. I took a look at her link to Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and I think that might be a good fit for me. I followed All People Quilt UFO Challenge last year, but only finished five of the quilts I listed. Actually, I only worked on five, and never even touched the others.

My January goal will be to quilt & bind the top I pieced in March of 2016 from One Block Wonders BOM.

I am going to continue to post To-Do Tuesday lists hosted by Christine of Stitch All The Things, where I list what sewing, crafting, quilting things I want to accomplish each week. This week I want to finish 2016 November and December’s blocks from Leah Day’s Sunshine Surprise.

I also have 2 sewing projects I hope to make headway on this week, pjs and piping for a sofa cushions I hope cover – soon.

Here’s hoping for a productive 2017!

What do you have planned for this New Year?

Linking to One Monthly Goal.


Finished or Not, Quilting in 2016

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2017

The Big Count. Hmmmm, looking over my records, I have various types of quilts and projects in various stages from 2016. By listing them in groups, here is how 2016 turned out in my sewing world.

Customer quilts, 10 projects completed

  1. one baby quilt
  2. 6 t-shirt quilts
  3. 2 pillows
  4. 1 hobo bag

Longarm quilted quilts: I don’t own a longarm, but a friend offered hers for my use.

  1. King size quilt my daughter pieced for her new home.
  2. Timeless Tradition which I gifted to my brother and his wife for Christmas.

Quilt Alongs:

  1. Christa Quilts Facets quilt with free motion quilting. It is one of my favorites for the year all complete from piecing to FMQ.
  2. Tribal Block Club with 12 Spools, top completed and then altered. Back made, not quilted.

Block of the Month:

  1. One Block Wonders with Upstairshobbyroom. 9 block patterns presented to create whatever you liked from the block. Of the 9 months, I completed 2 quilts, have 6 as tops ready for quilting, and 1 with only 2 blocks made.
  • January – paper piecing, I only made 2 blocks but cut fabric for a lap quilt. Got to get back to this one.
  • February – pieced a small table topper, not quilted
  • March – lap size quilt, not quilted, love this quilt!
  • April – baby size quilt, not quilted
  • May –  table runner, pieced and quilted and a favorite!
  • June – table topper, not quilted
  • July – table topper, not quilted, but another favorite.
  • August – table topper, not quilted kind of large, might make into a baby quilt.
  • September – paper piecing, table topper, pieced and quilted, and another favorite.
        2. Leah Day’s Sunshine Surprise Quilt-as-you-go. Every month we received a pattern to piece and quilt a block, in September Leah shared instructions in joining the blocks in a quilt-as-you-go method. I still have November and December’s blocks to cut, piece and quilt. Then I’ll start joining all the blocks together.
  1. one baby quilt
  2. one tree skirt
  3. two lap quilts
  4. one pillow
  5. one queen size quilt (Timeless Tradition)
  6. two baby tag blankets
  1. One King size bargello quilt with appliqué.
  2. Eight quilt tops completed, most with back ready for sandwiching and quilting.
  3. Fleece blanket bound
That adds up to 22 completed projects start to finish. 9 projects under way – WIP – Works in Progress anyone? That gives me a lot of quilts to finish in 2017, before even thinking about what to start fresh this year!

Here are a few pictures of my favorite completed quilts from 2016:

Baby Olivia quilt!

Facets Quilt-Along:

Back of Facets showing the Free Motion Quilting:

Close up of turtle scene on the King size bargello quilt:

One Block Wonder, May, I added the appliqué and turned the pieced blocks in to flowers:

One Block Wonder, September:

Timeless Tradition BOM started 2015 and completed December 2016:

What 2016 projects are you most pleased with? I’d love to hear!

How did I do on last week’s To-Do Tuesday List?

  1. I found the flannel for the pjs! Now to make them! – Kind of! I got the fabric cut and the sewing started, not completed yet.
  2. Slip cover for the sofa. This is going to be a challenge. I bought the fabric 2 years ago and have put off making the cover since then. With all the Christmas gifts completed and gifted, I really want to conquer this slip cover before starting another quilt! ✗ Does thinking about it count? Life was just too busy with family and parties as the New Year rolled in!
  3. Plan out my sewing projects for the New Year! ✗ Nope! But as you see I did revisit accomplishments from 2016! And, oh! I did print out some freebies that will help organize 2017.

To-Do Tuesday List for this week:

  1. Finish pjs.
  2. Continue thinking about that slip cover? OK, I’ll break it down into smaller tasks – this week make piping for the cushions.
  3. Plan an attack on WIP from 2016.
  4. Piece November and December’s blocks from Leah Day’s 2016 Sunshine Surprise Quilt-as-you-go BOM.

I’m linking to To-Do Tuesday and Linky Tuesday.


The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Wednesday, December 28th, 2016

We enjoyed our time with family & friends over the weekend. And do hope you did too! We started with a Christmas Eve service and then early Christmas Day traveled 2 hours to our son’s home. Staying over night, we continued our celebrations the next day.

My son and his wife hosted our gathering this year.

Spending time with them and our grand daughter was precious!

Family gathering, but sadly missing two who didn’t join us this year.

Our Grand daughter learned how to turn on the train under the tree and she crawled under there often to keep it running!

I did finish my last quilted gift on time to give to my son’s in laws! It was so nice to get to visit with them too for a couple of days.

I like how the red piping turned out and nicely frames the pillow.

How did I do on last week’s To-Do Tuesday List?

  1. Finish a pillow to gift Christmas morning. Should be doable because I found an orphan Wreath block to use for the pillow top! ✔️
  2. Grocery shopping for Christmas day eats. ✔️ Shopped and baked and enjoyed Christmas Eve and Day.
  3. Enjoy Christmas Eve with church family, and Christmas day with family! ✔️

To-Do Tuesday List for this week:

  1. I found the flannel for the pjs! Now to make them!
  2. Slip cover for the sofa. This is going to be a challenge. I bought the fabric 2 years ago and have put off making the cover since then. With all the Christmas gifts completed and gifted, I really want to conquer this slip cover before starting another quilt!
  3. Plan out my sewing projects for the New Year!

How about you? Are you planning out what projects you want to create this coming year? Are you challenging yourself in any new ways? Next week I’ll share my plans.

Happy New Year!

I’m linking to To-Do Tuesday and Linky Tuesday.