One of the gals in my quilting group thought it would be fun for each of us to make fabric stars to exchange at our December meeting. Here are the stars I made.

You can find instructions at Geta’s Quilting Studio.
I also made these stars for another gift.

I found a link on A Spoonful of Sugar for these folded Hexagon Ornaments – take a look at her pretty ornaments! Angie’s Bits and Pieces has a great Youtube showing how to fold the hexie star ornaments. She is using them as flowers on a quilt. Christmas Star Ornaments or Flowers, they are pretty used either way!
I took along extra pre-cut hexies to the party, thinking my friends would like to try their hand in making them. I was right, and they each folded up a hexie star and plan on making more for gift giving.
I’d like to try these ornaments next, time permitting. That little adventure might be waiting until next year!

The photo is from Through the Eyes of a Quilter Blog. You can find a how-to video on the post and some nice hints for creating these adorable ornaments.
Since I have nothing else to do – I’m adding 2 more projects to my week before Christmas. I’m laughing, are you joining in with me!? For several years I have planned on making new Christmas Stockings for our family members, and I have just not gotten around to doing so. Sunday, I decided enough! And dug through fabric, patterns, and internet for ideas and actually started 2 stocking for my 2 grand children! That is at least a start on the 7 stockings I’d like to make.
Here is the one, so far, for my grand daughter.

The Sing for Me snowman & cardinal pattern caught my eye. I used the bird pattern, reduced the size to fit the stocking. Grand daughter likes pink and purple, so Mrs Snowman got hat, scarf & mitten in those colors. Do you see the pink and purple tassel hanging off the hat? That was my daughter’s idea.
And this one is for my grand son, also in progress.

The moose will get a red scarf as he is to be a Christmas moose. I’ll also add evergreen trees. At least the stockings are both started!
Husband and I are hosting Christmas in our home this year. Everyone is to arrive at noon. We will have lunch together, then open gifts, then games and family fun!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I hope you are enjoying the countdown and not stressing out!
How did I do on last week’s To-Do List:
- Side stepping again – finish up some little quilt gifts for gift exchange. ✔️ Little gifts all done and gifted at parties this past week.
This week’s To-Do List:
- Finish Christmas Stockings for the grands.
Linking to To-Do Tuesday and Linky Tuesday.