Archive for the ‘Quilting’ Category

Coffee Cozies and Cone Flowers

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014

Yesterday’s litte project was a little coffee sleeve I made up for Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shoppe in Roanoke, IN. I’ll use it this Saturday to demo a simple machine applique technique using fusible web. We put together kits using Cafe´ Milan and Chef’s Choice fabric lines and  included “This & That” Quilt Pattern: Coffee Crazy, fusible web, rick rack, and batting. (The pattern uses hand embroidery, not applique. I’m switching it up.)

Funny thing is, when I went to set up for the photo – I don’t drink coffee! – so I searched my house for a Star Bucks cup, but alas! the daughters have let me down this time! There was not one to be found sitting around with a sip or two of stale coffee left in the bottom. I came up with a  ”Plan B ” and used a clear plastic cup with iced tea. Hmmm. I don’t think anyone needs a coffee sleeve to protect themselves against the cold of iced tea, but I guess it gets the point across of the sleeve wrapping around the cup!

In this photo, you get a better look at the fabrics.

Next up! Hubby’s garden!  It is looking great right now!

It has me dreaming of a watercolor quilt in pale lavenders with vibrant Cone Flowers appliques on top. Who am I kidding! I’ll just add that to my never ending and long growing list of ‘want to make’ quilts!

I love how some of the petals are drooping and others are ‘sunbathing’!

How is your Summer going? Are you enjoying all the beauty in nature?

I’m linking up to Connie’s Linky Tuesday on her Freemotion by the River blog.

Playing with Sidekick Ruler

Wednesday, July 9th, 2014

Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shoppe of Roanoke, IN recently received their shipment of Jaybird Quilts Sidekick Ruler and several patterns featuring the ruler. Julie Herman, the designer, has once again produced a ruler for accurate cutting and piecing. The two patterns I used are both very well written, easy to understand, and make for quick cutting and accurate piecing. The ruler gives you 3 shapes that can be cut into 4 different sizes. And it can be used as a companion ruler with Julie’s popular Hex N More Ruler.

Rock Candy:


I’m taking Creative Quilting with Your Walking Foot Craftsy Class with Jacquie Gering. The Giggles quilt above is the second quilt I have finished with her walking foot techniques. Fun class! And I’m so happy to have a completed project!

Babies, Graduations, Quilts & Vandals

Tuesday, June 24th, 2014

The newly weds are back from their honeymoon and settling into their new routine in married life.

Anna and Nathan

The Monday morning following the wedding, we had all our out of town guests, relatives and friends in for breakfast. Everyone had to hit the road soon after to catch flights or start their drive home. But during our breakfast we had exciting news shared! My son and daughter-in-law announced that they will be expecting their first baby in December! I’ll be a first time grandmother!

Luke and Kim

And, our nephew in for the wedding from the west coast also announced that he and his wife are expecting their first baby!

Right on the heals of my daughter Anna’s wedding, we geared up for my youngest daughter’s high school graduation.

My husband, John, and me with our daughter, Charis.

Sunday, June 22, we had an open house for our daughter. The rain held off for a beautiful celebration with yard games, family and friends, and of course good food!

And between all of this, I did manage to make a quilt for a demo this coming Saturday for Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shoppe in Roanoke, IN.

This is Missouri Star Quilt Co. Periwinkle quilt using their templates and papers. It is a quick and easy quilt!

Then Monday evening hit. And I do mean hit. Some teen boys thought it would be fun to drive around our side of town and heave 5# rocks at oncoming traffic as they drove past. Three cars hit with the rocks going through the windshields. My daughter’s car was one of the cars hit just as she prepared to turn into our neighborhood. She was very shaken up, but Thank God, not hurt but covered in glass. One man was hit in the chest by the rock and sent to the hospital. I hope and pray these teens are apprehended. This is a felony! The policeman said her’s was the third report in about a 20 minute time frame and within a 2 mile radius.

Isn’t it just so sad that there are people around that would do such a thing? Today we all just tried to take a breather. It just so happened that daughter, husband and I all had off work today. I thought I’d get to some of my own personal sewing today, but ended up mostly talking with my daughter and reading. Hoping tomorrow brings back that sunshine we enjoyed on Sunday!

Little Bit of Quilt as You Go

Tuesday, May 6th, 2014

Just a little bit of playing with “Quilt As You Go” using Double Duty Runners Pattern by G. E. Designs. The “Quilt As You Go” technique will be a demo this Saturday at Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shop, Roanoke, IN. Kits available for purchase.

I’m linking to To-Do Tuesday and Linky Tuesday

This past week I planned to:
-hem three bridesmaids dresses✔
-shop for and purchase a dress for me to wear to the wedding✔
-work on the veil for my daughter ✕
This coming week I must:
-get that veil made for my daughter!
-clean house – mainly sewing room to turn it back into a guest room
If I get these two items completed, it will be a good week.
-Oh! another thing to add. Longarm quilter just called and said my client’s quilt is ready. That means I have a quilt to bind this week.

Quilt Labels

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014
Do you document your quilts? I have inherited several quilt tops and 2 quilts. I know the story only for one of the tops. Sad, but I don’t know who made two of the completed quilts. So, ladies and gents! Make and attach labels to your quilts! That much loved quilt might be handed down to someone one day, and they might like to know its history. I suggest you include on your label, who made it, date completed, to whom it is give, occasion. I also like to put my current State of residence.
This Saturday, I will be doing a little talk on making labels for quilts at Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shop, Roanoke, IN. Here are a few labels I’ll be using as examples:
We are also offering a Make-n-Take label – the heart made using Fantasix All-Purpose Ink or the butterfly made using Fabrico pens.
I’m linking up to To-Do Tuesday.
This past week I actually:
-held Easter Dinner at my house  ✔
-started to clean and rearrange living room for Bridal Shower to be held here  Sunday ✔
-Monday, taught Stitchers Garden quilt class at Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shop ✔
Sadly, today the Bernina sewing machine at the quilt shop would not turn on! So I’m hoping my samples and step-outs will be efficient for teaching Thursday’s Stitcher’s Garden  class! The Bernina won’t be taken in for repairs until Thursday. I’m going to miss it!
This week I hope to:
-successfully teach the Stitcher’s Garden class without the use of the Bernina. eck!
-clean living room and dining room
-successfully pull off the Bridal Shower for my daughter with the help of her Bridesmaids this Sunday!
I’m also linking to Linky Tuesday.

Stitchers Garden Blocks 8 & 9

Friday, April 18th, 2014

I’m late! For To Do Tuesday list, but here is what I have finished for next weeks Stitcher’s Garden Class held next Monday and Thursday at Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shop, Roanoke, Indiana.

In this block we learn how to make and insert piping in our quilt blocks. The hot pink between the white background and the first border is a very thin piping. And the green between the orange and purple is a fusible piping. Here is a close up of the pink piping -


In the next block we learn how to use the Fringe or Tailor Tack presser foot.

The center of the flowers has fringe stitching. Here is a close up -

Kind of fun, isn’t it!?


Yes, I know it is Friday. But here is a late post to To-Do Tuesday.

This past week I:
-finished up the demo mentioned above, with step outs ✔
-visit Grace College with daughter ✔ This is her college of choice.
-continue the clean out of daughter’s closet – oops, didn’t happen
-add helping middle daughter with her fast approaching wedding of May 25! ✔ Another item checked off the ever growing list – Bridal Shower invitations mailed out and decorations made!
This week I plan to:
-hold Easter Dinner at my house Sunday afternoon
-clean and rearrange living room for Bridal Shower to be held here the following Sunday
-Monday, teach Stitchers Garden quilt class at Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shop

Playing With Buggy Barn

Tuesday, April 8th, 2014

Are you familiar with Buggy Barn books and patterns? I made this one years and years ago.

Deb Roehm, owner of Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shop, carries just about all of Buggy Barn’s books. Deb has ‘Til the Cows Come Home! from the book _Crazy Till the Cows Come Home_ made and displayed in the shop.

This Saturday, I’ll be demoing Buggy Barn’s construction method. I call it a funky mix between Stack n Whack and sort of traditional piecing. Their patterns are very well written, making them easy follow and construct. I’m using the Bramble Baskets pattern for the demo.

(images from Buggy Barn Website. I’ll update with personal photos soon.)

I’m linking to To-Do-Tuesday with Red’s Needles and Threads.

Last week I hoped to:

-continue working on client’s quilt  ✔ top finished and heading to the longarm quilter!

-work on Luke and Kim’s quilt, I should aim for 2 blocks a week (ugh, just not happening)

-piece a few more blocks of Whirled Peas (that did not happen either)

-tackle daughter’s closet ✔ A partial check, we made progress

-some fun stuff with daughter ✔ Yes! We shopped and found a prom dress and ate dinner out too – Sushi!
This week I’ll be happy to:
-finish up the demo mentioned above, with step outs
-visit Grace College with daughter
-continue the clean out of daughter’s closet
-add helping middle daughter with her fast approaching wedding of May 25! I see less quilting happening as the wedding date draws closer! I’m trying to be realistic here!
Update to include some photos, April 11th.
Just finished this table runner Wednesday. From Buggy Barn book _Still Crazy_.



Signature Quilt

Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

I have a finish! Its a signature quilt made of blocks used as the guest book at a wedding. I was sent the fence rail blocks, which I set in a 9-patch arrangement and then sashed. To add length, I added an extra row of unsigned blocks to the top and bottom.  I hope they will be pleased!

The MIL to the Bride was the Matron-of-Honor at my wedding 36 years ago. I was the Maid-of-Honor at her wedding 4 months earlier.

I’m linking to To-Do-Tuesday with Red’s Needles and Threads.

-continue working on client’s quilt, applique block ✔ finished! now to piece rows/top
-bind signature quilt ✔ It’s ready to mail! Pictured above.
-work on Luke and Kim’s quilt, I should aim for 2 blocks a week (ugh, just not happening)
-piece a few more blocks of Whirled Peas
This is Spring Break week for my youngest. I’m pretty sure I won’t get to any quilting. But I would really like to get the rows sewn together on the client’s quilt. I’m hoping Tuesday will be the day for that! I’ll make that my one quilting goal for this week. Another day this week, I’d like my daughter and I to tackle cleaning out her closet. And we will do some fun stuff together too. ☺
I’m also linking to Linky Tuesday with Freemotion by the River.

It’s Birthday Season at our House!

Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

The celebrations started February 15th with our soon to be son-in-law’s birthday. Then son #2 born on February 23rd. In March we have birthdays on the 4th, 7th, 14th, 19th, and 21st. That would be my husband, myself, daughter #2, daughter #3 and son #1. Then one more birthday April 13th which is our daughter #1. Our other son-in-law and daughter-in-law make us wait until June and then November to complete the birthday celebrations. I’m hoping for grandchildren to finish out the year instead of clustering in March! I suppose I could mention that my brother and sister are also born in March, as is my mother-in-law and two sister-in-laws. My father-in-law born in February and my mother born in April, as is a brother-in-law!

Since I have been busy with birthday dinners, I didn’t accomplish much in sewing this week. I like making a favorite meal for each of my children on their birthday and they can invite friends over. They seem to think this tradition should continue even though 3 of them are out of our house, 2 are married! Last Wednesday we enjoyed sweet potato burgers, cole slaw, tossed salad and coconut poke cake with our now 19 year old daughter. And we celebrated our son’s 33rd birthday on Sunday (instead of Friday) with homemade Steak Gyros and apple crisp.

Today I did manage to applique this cute little bunny and Tulips on to Moda Toweling using Misty Fuse and Edyta Sitar’s Laundry Basket Quilts pattern Spring Surprise.

I’m linking to To-Do-Tuesday with Red’s Needles and Threads.

And since I didn’t get to anything from my list last week, it carries over to this week.

-continue working on client’s quilt, applique center block
-bind signature quilt
-work on Luke and Kim’s quilt, I should aim for 2 blocks a week
-piece a few more blocks of Whirled Peas
✔-take daughter to doctor appointment to remove cast from January 24th ankle surgery.✔Oh Look! I did get something checked off my list! Daughter is healing well, now wearing a boot cast and going to physical therapy!
I’m also linking to Linky Tuesday with Freemotion by the River.

Pretty Fabrics!

Tuesday, March 18th, 2014

Vicki Welsh of Field Trips in Fiber is having a Spring Break Giveaway all week long! She creates gorgeous hand dyed fabrics and sells them on Etsy. Visit her blog this week to enter to win. And while there take a look around at her beautiful quilts and fabrics!