Archive for the ‘English Paper Piecing’ Category

To-Do Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2022

English Paper Piecing continues on Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden. This is my almost nightly routine. After clean up from supper, I gather the EPP supplies and stitch while watching TV, or a movie, listening to a book, or talking to Hubby if he is not busy on one of his hobbies. His hobbies are native plant gardening and building train models. Sometimes walks or bike rides are added in to the evening.

Here’s my To-Do list from last week -

To-Do Tuesday, August 16, 2022

  1. EPP Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden, attach week 21 to quilt. ✔️
  2. EPP – continue week 22 ✔️
  3. Wednesday – meeting with church friends to finish some heart pillows. ✔️
  4. Friday – friend graciously allowing me to return to use her longarm and quilt the last two clothing quilts. ✔️
  5. Maybe work on a PUP meaning Previously Unfinished Project! Isn’t that a cute acronym? Coined by a quilting friend. I’ve not heard anyone else use it. So I’ll give her credit. Hello Ruth! I like it better than UFO. ✔️

1. EPP Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden

Week 21 sewn and attached to the quilt but I forgot to take a photo of the growing quilt.

2. EPP

Week 22 – stitched and ready to attach.

Weeks 1 – 22. The rosettes are now showing they will be a ring of flowers!

3. Heart pillows

The tag says Blessings & Love, Made for you, Christ’s Community Church.

Here are just a few of the 24 heart pillows made to donate to Lutheran Hospital where they are given to patients who have had mastectomies. The heart shape pillow fits under the arm to add comfort while healing.

A few more hearts cut for pillows. This is an ongoing project ladies at CCC make through out the year.

4. Longarm quilting clothing quilts

A friend offered her longarm for me to use to quilt the 4 clothing quilts. Since I don’t know anything about using a longarm, other than what she taught me, here is the setup with quilting in progress. She only attaches the backing to the rollers, and lets the batting and top hang free. This worked well for these smaller size quilts, 54 x 60 inches. I’m not sure how it would work for a bed size. Any longarm quilters reading this? Your thoughts?

Quilted, bound, laundered.

Close up of one of the quilted shells. The quilts are ready to gift to the grieving family. Prayers lifted for them as they grieve the loss of their mother.

5. PUP - Previously Unfinished Project!

I worked on two PUPs yesterday. A few weeks ago I volunteered to do a simple quilting to finish tops that are made for two charities to which our CCC group donates. I used stitch 99 on my Janome for the diagonal quilting. Hopefully I get to the binding today.

To-Do Tuesday, August 23, 2022

  1. EPP Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden, Week 23
  2. More PUP charity quilts. I think I offered to quilt and bind 6 total this Summer.
  3. Select a PUP from my own on going projects.

Linking to To-Do Tuesday hosted by Linda of Texas Quilt Gal.

To-Do Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Tuesday, August 16th, 2022

Another week speeds on by! I’m still hoping to get caught up on Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden, pattern by Katja Marek. But, alas, I’m actually falling more behind. I started several weeks late waiting for supplies to arrive. The quilt along is on Week 33 and I’m just on Week 22. Oh well! I do enjoy my evenings of EPP even if it will take longer than a year to complete the quilt.

Here’s how my sewing and quilting week progressed -

To-Do Tuesday, August 9, 2022

  1. EPP Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden, attach week 20 to quilt. ✔️
  2. EPP – start week 21 ✔️
  3. Wednesday, meet with DIL to cut backing and batting for mug rugs. And maybe some heart shapes for pillows. ✔️
  4. Meet with quilt friends Friday for a sewing day. Take EPP. With a full day to sew, I’m hoping to get to week 22 and maybe even 23 of Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden! ✔️
  5. Stitch “Gene” on to bag. ✔️

Progress made this week -

1. Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden

Weeks 1 – 20 all attached!

2. Week 21

Stitched and ready to attach to Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden.

3. Mug Rug kits all made and packed for a future sewing day.

My DIL and I cut batting, backing, half hexies, and used precut hexies for 43 kits for Mug Rugs. These will be sewn up later in the Fall by ladies at our church to gift to school teachers at Christmas.

We also cut out 39 pairs of hearts for pillows that will go to a local hospital. Some one has to sew these up and stuff will poly fill! Wink wink!

Update! DIL came over Monday and made great progress on sewing heart pillows together!

4. Sewing day with quilty friends. Apparently I get more handwork completed at home than while visiting with friends!

Some stitching did happen on Week 22 of Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden. But I didn’t get to Week 23!

5.  Canvas Bag

“Gene” stitched up nicely on the canvas bag. My machine didn’t have any problems stitching through the heavy straps.

Other quilting that happened -

With two of the four clothing quilts for a grieving family actually quilted, I got busy with making flange bindings and got one quilt bound.

I made a flange binding using 1 1/2″ strips of orange for the binding, and 2″ strips for the flange.

Binding strips sewn together and pressed, ready to sew on to quilt.

Binding is sewn on to the back of the quilt and then flipped to the front. Machine stitch in the ditch between the flange and binding through all layers of binding and quilt. Photo above is showing part of the quilt top with simple meandering quilting with an occasional sea shell, and flange binding.

This photo is showing front of quilt with flange binding and the back where it looks like a regular binding. The ditch stitching between flange and binding shows up as straight line stitching on the back. I’m pleased with how the binding turned out. The flange is looking black in the photos, it is really a mottled dark blue fabric.

I just got word that one of the recipients of the clothing quilts is in town this week. Perfect timing to gift a finished quilt!

To-Do Tuesday, August 16, 2022

  1. EPP Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden, attach week 21 to quilt.
  2. EPP – continue week 22
  3. Wednesday – meeting with church friends to finish some heart pillows.
  4. Friday – friend graciously allowing me to return to use her longarm and quilt the last two clothing quilts.
  5. Maybe work on a PUP – Previously Unfinished Project! Isn’t that a cute acronym? Coined by a quilting friend. I’ve not heard anyone else use it. So I’ll give her credit. Hello Ruth! I like it better than UFO.

Linking to To-Do Tuesday hosted by Linda of Texas Quilt Gal.

To-Do Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Tuesday, August 9th, 2022

Another week has flown by. It sure has been a hot and muggy one here in NE Indiana. I’m continuing with handwork in the evenings doing English Paper Piecing (EPP). Plus, that’s when I turn the AC down to try to get our bedroom on the second floor to cool off for the night.

Here’s what happened in my quilting world this past week -

To-Do Tuesday, August 2, 2022

  1. EPP Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden, attach week 19 to quilt. ✔️
  2. EPP – start week 20 ✔️
  3. Wednesday quilting day with friends, I’m taking the EPP project to work on, oh and cutting out “Gene” on friend’s accuquilt cutter since that didn’t happen last week. ✔️
  4. Charity quilts, need sandwiched and being quilting. ✗
  5. Meet up with friends to start quilting clothing quilts this Friday. ✔️
1. Week 19 of Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden

Week 19 attached to the growing quilt.

2. Week 20 of Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden

Week 20 all stitched and ready to attach to quilt.

3. ”Gene” cut on friend’s accuquilt cutter

“Gene” cut and fused in place. Next up,  stitch around the letters.

4.  Charity quilts, need sandwiched – didn’t happen.

5.  Quilting clothing quilts

Two of the four are quilted with large meandering and an occasional shell. These two are now waiting for binding.

I added in an unplanned project this week. I’ll be getting together with some gals from our church some time in the Fall to sew together 40 mug rugs to gift to school teachers. My DIL and I cut and kitted 40 some hexie mug rug kits.

I had three sets of Moda Honey Comb precuts, which are hexagon shapes, prefect for quick mug rugs. I’ll be looking through my stash for backing and I’m sure I have enough batting scraps for the mug rugs. Other gals from church will contribute too. Honestly, I’m just happy to be using up what I have on hand which helps clean out the sewing room! Anyone with me on that?!

To-Do Tuesday, August 9, 2022

  1. EPP Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden, attach week 20 to quilt.
  2. EPP – start week 21
  3. Wednesday, meet with DIL to cut backing and batting for mug rugs. And maybe some heart shapes for pillows.
  4. Meet with quilt friends Friday for a sewing day. Take EPP. With a full day to sew, I’m hoping to get to week 22 and maybe even 23 of Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden!
  5. Stitch “Gene” on to bag.
That’s it for another week.
Linking to To-Do Tuesday hosted by Linda of Texas Quilt Gal.



To-Do Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022

Summer native flowers, cultivated flowers and English Paper Pieced Flowers are all blooming!

Bumble Bees enjoying the Cone Flowers.

Our Hydrangea only but out a few blooms this year, but they are so pretty!

Here is last week’s to-do list and what did get accomplished -

To-Do Tuesday, July 26, 2022

  1. EPP Grandmother’s Flower Garden, Week 19 ✔️
  2. Start sewing together the t-shirts, nephew’s quilt.  ✔️
  3. Meeting Wednesday with quilting friends. I’ll take along the EPP. Also, I plan on cutting out “Gene” on friend’s accuquilt cutter for an upcoming project. ✗
  4. If possible, start quilting the 4 clothing quilts.  ✗
1. EPP  Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden
Week 1-18 all stitched together.
Week 19 ready to add to quilt.
Placement of week 19. I’ll be stitching this in place this week, and move on to prep and stitch week 20.
2. Nephews T-shirt quilt
Nephew wanted something a little crazy. Instead of doing the usually straight grid setting, I cut most of the shirts out on point. Also used the shirts for the triangle pieces.

Next I added borders on the sides with 12″ finished squares.

It was a fun coming up with an unusual setting. Not that I want to do this again for a customer, but still, I enjoyed the process for a relative! I need to purchase backing. And get it quilted and bound before November.

3. I skipped meeting with my quilting group Wednesday. Low energy day struck me.

4. Friday did not work out to meet with friends for quilting clothing quilts. Plan switched to meet this Friday.

That’s it for quilting, let’s move on to gardening.

Last Saturday the Indiana Native Plant Society Garden Walk was a success with 6 gardens in the area open to visitors. We had about 75 people visit my husband’s native garden. It was fun chatting with people interested in native plants, and some mentioning they hoped to start native gardens in their yards. I could even answer some of the questions about native gardening – Hub’s knowledge rubbing off on me. Yesterday a landscaping business owner stopped by with part of her crew to show them how my husband uses native sedges as a border. She uses natives and cultivated plants in her garden planning.

When you join the Indiana Native Plant Society this is the sign you are given to display in your garden.

Just past the sign along the south side of our house we have Cup Plants growing. Goldfinches like for drink water held in the cup formed by the leaves at the stem of the plant.

We have seen Hummingbirds visiting the Royal Catchfly. Too hard to catch them in a photo though.

Here is Blue Vervain to show another color added to the summer natives. Right now there is a lot of yellow flowers blooming like False Sunflowers, Cup Plants, Compass Plant, Prairie Dock, Black-eyed Susans just to name a few.

Back to quilting. Here is a hopeful list for this week.

To-Do Tuesday, August 2, 2022

  1. EPP Grandmother’s Flower Garden, attach week 19 to quilt.
  2. EPP – start week 20
  3. Wednesday quilting day with friends, I’m taking the EPP project to work on, oh and cutting out “Gene” on friend’s accuquilt cutter since that didn’t happen last week.
  4. Charity quilts, need sandwiched and being quilting.
  5. Meet up with friends to start quilting clothing quilts this Friday.

Linking to To-Do Tuesday hosted by Linda of Texas Quilt Gal.

To-Do Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Tuesday, July 26th, 2022

Phew! I’m so happy to be able to say the 4 clothing quilts, tops and backs are all pieced together! It turned into a group effort with help from two friends! Read below and see photos of the quilts.

Last week’s list -

To-Do Tuesday, July 19, 2022

  1. Finish Week 18 of Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden, attach to quilt. ➞ Stitched, not completely attached to quilt.
  2. Prep and stitch Week 19 ➞ prepped and stitching well underway.
  3. Nephew’s t-shirt quilt ✔️t-shirts all prepped and cut to size.
  4. Meeting with friend Friday to work on 4 clothing quilts for grieving family. ✔️ All four tops and backs are sewn together.
Progress made -
1. Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden – Week 18
Week 18 stitched and ready to attach to quilt.
2. Week 19

Week 19 under construction.

3. Nephew’s t-shirt quilt – lots of fusing, cutting & sewing to prep t-shirt has happened.

Layout and sewing rows up next.

4. Four clothing quilts

Tops are all sewn together. They all have the same fabric in the same layout for matching quilt tops.

Friday I met up with not just one friend, but two, and we got the backs all sewn together! I wanted to buy a wide back for the quilts, but that got vetoed, so piecing the backs became the plan. I’m just happy that the backs are completed and we can move on to quilting.

We did a heart and shell embroidery in the corner of the large pillow case pieced into the quilt top.

I’m so happy to have these 4 tops and backs ready for quilting. I have another friend who has volunteered the use of her long arm. I’m hoping to get over there soon to do an easy all over meandering for the quilting.

Other happenings in our lives -

This Saturday my husband’s Native Garden will be part of the Indiana Native Plant Society Garden Walk. Just recently he applied for and was approved as an official native garden spot.  He’s busy tidying up the garden for this weekend. We’ve had rain the past two weekends, forecast is looking good for Saturday!

Here’s my new list. Not much change lately from week to week.

To-Do Tuesday, July 26, 2022

  1. EPP Grandmother’s Flower Garden, Week 19
  2. Start sewing together the t-shirts, nephew’s quilt.
  3. Meeting Wednesday with quilting friends. I’ll take along the EPP. Also, I plan on cutting out “Gene” on friend’s accuquilt cutter for an upcoming project.
  4. If possible, start quilting the 4 clothing quilts.

Linking to To-Do Tuesday hosted by Linda of Texas Quilt Gal.

To-Do Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Wednesday, July 20th, 2022

Yesterday my hubs had a speaking engagement at a Master Gardener’s event. His topic was Native Plant Gardening. I tagged along taking my EPP. With three people speaking on different topics during three hours, I made some good progress on the Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden.

Here’s my list from last week -

To-Do Tuesday, July 12, 2022

  1. Prep week 18 and start stitching EPP for Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden. ✔️
  2. Continue work on T-shirt quilt for my nephew. ✔️
  3. Meeting with quilting friends – I’m taking along my EPP.  I’m 10 weeks behind on HTGFG and would love to catch up, but am beginning to wonder if that is at all possible! ✔️
  4. Sandwich a charity quilt or two? A gal from church is making the tops and backs, and I volunteered to do quick machine quilting. I better get to them as she is faster than I am! ✗

Here’s what happened -

1. Week 18 Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden

There are two leaves that need to be prepped and attached, along with the 4 little hexies. I always save the leaves for last so I’ve not cut them out yet.

2. T-shirt quilt for my nephew –  it’s moving along but not photo worthy yet.

3. Meeting with quilting friends – I took my EPP and sat with a friend while we both worked on our hexies. Two other gals worked on machine appliqué. Then we sat by the pool to eat lunch. It was a lovely time and day!

4. Sandwich a few charity quilts – This didn’t happen, but our meeting for tomorrow has been postponed, so I have a few more weeks before I need to get to these. I hope to add these to my To-Do list next week.

To-Do Tuesday, July 19, 2022

  1. Finish Week 18 of Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden, attach to quilt.
  2. Prep and stitch Week 19
  3. Nephew’s t-shirt quilt
  4. Meeting with friend Friday to work on 4 clothing quilts for grieving family.

Linking to To-Do Tuesday with Linda of Texas Quilt Gal.

To-Do Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Tuesday, July 12th, 2022

This week I played around with ideas for a t-shirt quilt I’ll be working on for my nephew. I’ve settled on a layout, and will share it as I work on the quilt. I didn’t progress as quickly as I’d like on Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden. I missed a few evenings English Paper Piecing on it this week.

Here’s what I did do sewing wise this past week -

To-Do Tuesday, July 5, 2022

  1. Finish week 17 of Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden. And start attaching it to the growing quilt. ✔️
  2. Time to get serious about prepping t-shirts for a quilt for my nephew. That was my June One Monthly Goal and it did not happen!  ✔️
  3. Play with something – maybe a UFO – maybe the whole cloth table runner. ✗
1. Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden

Week 17 competed and attached to the ever growing quilt. On to prepping week 18!

2. T-shirt quilt

I took some time to measure the logos on the t-shirts to determine what sizes to cut. My nephew doesn’t want a traditional layout. After sketching out a few layouts, I think I have the one I’ll be using.  On to fusing and cutting.

The only other sewing I did this past week was hem a pair of capris.

Friday we took our grands on a steam engine train ride. The Historic 765.

Angola, IN.

My plans for this week -

To-Do Tuesday, July 12, 2022

  1. Prep week 18 and start stitching EPP for Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden.
  2. Continue work on T-shirt quilt for my nephew.
  3. Meeting with quilting friends – I’m taking along my EPP.  I’m 10 weeks behind on HTGFG and would love to catch up, but am beginning to wonder if that is at all possible!
  4. Sandwich a charity quilt or two? A gal from church is making the tops and backs, and I volunteered to do quick machine quilting. I better get to them as she is faster than I am!

Linking to To-Do Tuesday hosted  by Linda of Texas Quilt Gal.

To-Do Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Wednesday, July 6th, 2022

Happy July everyone!

We had more high winds & thunderstorms passing through our way Tuesday & Wednesday.  We lost power again, this time for 14 hours. I must say I am very thankful for modern conveniences!

Here’s my list of hopeful quilting for last week -

To-Do Tuesday, June 28, 2022

  1. Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden, work on week 17. ✔️
  2. 4 clothing quilts – Friday meeting with another friend to add the embroidery.  ✔️
  3. Shirts to aprons from my Dad’s shirt for my grand nieces and nephews.  ✔️
  4. Maybe get back to the whole cloth table runner.  ✗

Here we go -

1. Grandmother’s Flower Garden

Week 17, missing the background to the green leaves.

2. Four clothing quilts - embroidery

As requested, four identical quilt tops have been made from clothing and with the rose fabric center from pillow cases.

Then this embroidery was created by a friend who bought the new M17 Janome. The Mom represented by the clothing loved the beach, shells, sunsets. With help, this heart with Love you Mom with shells was stitched on to the rose fabric. I’m happy with the progress made on these four quilts this past week.

Also, my friend and I bought fabric for the quilt backs. A beach scene was requested. We won’t be getting to piecing the backs until later this month.

3. Shirts to aprons

I’ve made child size aprons from my Dad’s shirts. They will go to his 17 Great Grandchildren!

4. Whole cloth table runner – didn’t touch it.

What’s up for this coming week?

To-Do Tuesday, July 5, 2022

  1. Finish week 17 of Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden. And start attaching it to the growing quilt.
  2. Time to get serious about prepping t-shirts for a quilt for my nephew. That was my June One Monthly Goal and it did not happen!
  3. Play with something – maybe a UFO – maybe the whole cloth table runner.

Linking to To-Do Tuesday hosted by Linda of Texas Quilt Gal.

To-Do Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Tuesday, June 28th, 2022

Clothing being cut into squares and aprons.  It seems that is just about all I’m working on lately. I’m happy to report that the four clothing quilts are finally taking shape.

Before I share those, let’s see what else happened this past week.

To-Do Tuesday, June 21, 2022

  1. Finish Week 16 of Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden, and start Week 17. ✔️
  2. Finish quilting and bind whole cloth table runner. ✗
  3. Friday meeting with a friend to make headway on the 4 clothing quilts.  ✔️
  4. Back to shirts to aprons from Dad’s shirts.  ✗

First off, I didn’t get as much accomplished as I would have liked because I came down with a bad headache last Tuesday night and it worked it’s way into a full fledged migraine. I really have no idea what brings them on. I’ve blessedly had so few this year, so this one took me by surprise.  After recovering from that, I did get busy.

1. Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden

Week one – sixteen all stitched together. Week 16 was all but finished so I did get it attached to the growing quilt.

Week Seventeen coming together.

2. Whole cloth table runner

I did some playing yesterday on the table runner. I decided I wanted to quilt in the background and am attempting a half inch grid. Slow going! Not perfect, ripping out did happen.

3.  Four clothing quilts

This is the big project that I want completed! Friday my friend and I met up to work on the four quilts for a grieving family. Their mother had passed and we were asked to make quilts from her clothes. One request from the family was for all the quilts to be identical. That meant cutting squares from all the clothing divisible by 4. Here is what we came up with after measuring and figuring out the largest squares we could use was 6 1/2″ cut, 6″ finished.

As is, the quilts will measure 54″ x 60″ which I think is fine for a memorial quilt. That is being debated as my friend wants to add a border using a sea shell print if one can be found. Another request from the family was for the back to have a sunset or sea shore panel on the back because the mother loved the beach and sea shells. I’m just thrilled to have the four quilts to this stage. Shopping has to happen for the back, and an embroidery is planned for the large rose print center.

4. Aprons

Working on them today! Photo next week.

And this week I plan -

  1. Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden, work on week 17.
  2. 4 clothing quilts – Friday meeting with another friend to add the embroidery.
  3. Shirts to aprons from my Dad’s shirt for my grand nieces and nephews.
  4. Maybe get back to the whole cloth table runner.

Linking to To-Do Tuesday hosted by Linda of Texas Quilt Gal.




To-Do Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2022

True confession time.

Organizing and cleaning my sewing room has left me with a few surprises. Who can raise their hand in agreement with that?!

Here’s what I found.

- 18 quilt tops waiting for quilting. I thought I had 13!

- 12 projects started, all at various stages. Why do I do this?

- 6 projects planned with pattern, fabrics, misc parts neatly packed and waiting for my attention. I must stop going to quilt shows and quilt shops where I am tempted with all the new things!

- Numerous projects earmarked to make for charity. Also in various stages.

- Rulers that need patterns, and patterns that need rulers. I was able to pair some rulers to patterns for future projects. Ha ha! Like I need any future projects!

I’m kind of mad at myself for letting this happen. Tops not quilted, projects not completed. Now that I’ve seen just how much I have going on in my sewing room, it is time to get serious about completing  these quilts!

Will there be new projects to tempt me and add to my list? Most likely! But if I’m finishing some projects, I won’t feel too bad about starting something new. Oh! And those ‘new’ projects I already purchased? Those would be fun to get into! At least that is what I’m telling myself.

Did I do anything on my weekly To-Do list?

To-Do Tuesday, June 14, 2022

  1. Work on Week 16 of Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden.  ✔️
  2. Sew aprons made from my dad’s shirts. ✔️
  3. Work on nephew’s t-shirt quilt if there is any time left  ✗
  4. Play! template quilt quilting  ✗
Here’s my progress -
1. Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden
Week 16 almost complete. 1/2″ EPP
2. Dad’s shirts to aprons. I have all the pieces cut, and three aprons completed.
And then with all the organizing, I decided to work on a UFO. It’s a whole cloth  table runner.
There are four of these circles to quilt with the grid in the center. I’m free motion quilting each one differently.
Second design.
Third design. One more to go, and then binding.
I also found this already quilting whole cloth table runner that only needed the binding to complete it.
This is quilted with a blue variegated King Tut thread. And binding is a blue Stonehenge print.
Closeup of center.
Another closeup.
Gifted to my son and DIL. She loves blues!

That’s all the stitching this week. Organizing takes time!

To-Do Tuesday, June 21, 2022

  1. Finish Week 16 of Homage to Grandmother’s Flower Garden, and start Week 17.
  2. Finish quilting and bind whole cloth table runner.
  3. Friday meeting with a friend to make headway on the 4 clothing quilts.
  4. Back to shirts to aprons from Dad’s shirts.
Now that my organizing is complete, it’s back to regular quilting, stitching & sewing.
I hope you have all had a good week.
Linking to To-Do-Tuesday hosted by Linda of Texas Quilt Gal.