I’m making a list and checking it twice. Actually several lists of quilts to make headway on in 2023.
My first list is of Charity Quilts. Earlier this year I cleaned up my sewing room and organized fabric leftover from finished quilts. I put all those leftovers arranged by color into ~11″ x 13″ open bins purchased from Target. While cleaning up, I tossed fabrics, patterns, and kits into a pile that I thought would make good charity quilts for several organizations to which I donate. I came up with a list of 23 possible quilts for charities.
I have finished and donated 7 quilts from that list since September. That leaves 16 quilts to continue to finish this upcoming year.
Today I started this quilt using a Pods kit put together by Maywood Studio. Pods were new to me.

I could not pass up this cute little kit. I’m thinking it might have been in a clearance section of a new-to-me quilt shop I visited this summer. This simple Irish Chain uses Christina Cameli’s Moongate fabrics. I do like Christina’s fabrics and patterns! I’m adding a border also from the clearance section of the shop. The finished quilt will be about 40″ x 52″ instead of 30″ x 42″ as per the kit.
For the organizations I donate to, quilts have to be at least 36″ square up to lap size. Those 36″ quilts get put together rather quickly.
In 2023, I hope to expand/improve my FMQ and ruler quilting, while having fun finishing the charity quilts.
The second list is of finished quilt tops, most have backs and batting ready for quilting. There are 17 quilts on this list. Sigh. I have nothing more to say about that sad state, other than I must start quilting those larger quilts. One was to be a gift to my eldest son, and one is for my husband. Hubs will be the first one I quilt in 2023.
The last list is of PUPs. Previously Unfinished Projects. I can see six of these projects from where I am sitting. These have been set aside for numerous reasons like being asked to make a t-shirt quilt, help with a gift, etc. One of these was started in 2012. From this list I’ll start by picking a favorite and get back to it!
Next is the Christmas list. I would love to make an Advent calendar for my grandkids. I made one from felt years ago when my kiddos were littles. I’d like to update it to a quilt. I’d also like to make several stockings. I have a bag of Christmas projects and gift ideas, I’m not even counting, but I know they are there.
I could have a fifth list – of newly purchased patterns & fabric. I can’t resist a good sale and LQSs have been holding them this month of December! I’ve added at least four more quilts to my stash this month!
That’s a total of 50 quilts is some stage of making. Whether its fabric & pattern purchased, self planned quilts, tops is some stage of piecing, and tops ready to sandwich & quilt. I think I might be crazy! Keep me OUT of the quilt shops! Here’s hoping for lots of progress on these lists in 2023.
I’ll be posting on To-Do Tuesday linky party with the progress I make throughout the year. Carol of For the Love of Fabric will be the new host of To-Do Tuesday starting January 3rd. Go check her out!
To all my quilty friends, Happy New Year!