Archive for the ‘Quilting’ Category

Playing with Flange Bindings

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013

I’ve been seeing posts on Pinterest lately about a binding method gals are calling a Faux Flange Binding. Some of the first links I followed didn’t give instructions. Playing around with dimensions, I came up with a size I like for a finished binding and flange. I’m calling this technique an “All-In-One Flange Binding” because it is not a faux flange – it really is a flange! And the technique combines the flange and binding together.

Here’s how I made the All-In-One Flange Binding -

Materials Needed

Two fabrics to coordinate with your finished quilted quilt top.

One fabric is for the binding, strips cut at  1  1/2” wide.

Coordinating fabric for the flange, strips cut at 2” wide.

(Instructions do not include yardage needed for binding. Consult your favorite binding chart or app for yardage needed.)

Cut the number of strips needed for the binding and flange for your size of quilt. Binding strips (blue in photo) are cut at  1  1/2” wide. Flange strips (rust in photo) are cut at 2” wide.
Sew together all binding strips end-to-end using a mitered seam for one long continuous strip. Do the same with the flange strips. Trim and press seams. (Flange strips shown in photo.)

Sew together the binding strip and the flange strip, side-by-side using a 1/4” seam allowance to make one long continuous strip. Press seam allowance towards darker fabric.

Press wrong sides together matching raw edges together. The flange fabric will be folded over onto the binding side of the strip with about 1/4” showing.
On the back of your prepared quilt, (quilted and squared up) sew binding side down using a generous 1/4” seam allowance. Leave about an 8” flap at the start and finish so you can miter finish your binding with your favorite method. A Walking Foot is helpful for this step.
Press binding over off the back of the quilt.

On the front of the quilt, press binding towards front of quilt, covering seam allowance. There will be about 1/2″ of binding fabric showing on the front with a 1/4″ flange.

Press a miter at each corner. Pin if necessary to hold binding in place.

Stitch in-the-ditch between the binding fabric and the flange fabric with thread coordinating with the flange fabric. (I used a rust for the top thread to match the flange, and a cream in the bobbin to match the quilt back.)

You will have about a 1/2” of binding fabric and a 1/4” flange showing on the front of your quilt.

Your quilt is complete with a flange to add a nice pop to your quilt! And it was all machine sewn! Quick and easy!

Playing with Off-set Blocks

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

Autumn Breeze Table Runner, an original design. 4 – 12 inch off-set leaf blocks, Fairy Frost fabrics, fusible applique for the stems, free motion quilted with variegated thread, inside corner binding.

Stitcher’s Garden, Blocks 2 – 4

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

The Stitcher’s Garden Classes are well under way at Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shop in Roanoke, IN. We have a once a month Thursday class with beginners. They are a joy to teach! It is so much fun to see them learn new-to-them techniques. The once a month Monday class has one beginner who is learning the techniques and always experimenting to tweak each lesson making them her own. The other 3 gals in the class are really there just for the fun of it and time to visit and sew in a group. We bounce ideas off of each other and discuss ways to change the quilt block using favorite techniques. We are using Batiks for all the blocks. Here are the blocks so far:

Block 2 – turned edge applique circles, fusible applique

Block 3 – circle attachment, also ‘poor man’s circles’ which means using an index card and thumb tack if you don’t own a circle attachment for your machine. Fusible applique.

Block 4a – couching, fusible applique

Block 4b – couching. I used DMC floss for the couching. Students used yarn and ribbons. Fusible applique.

Block 1 – previously shown in an earlier post. Snowball blocks and fusible applique.

Playing with HST & QST and Border Prints

Wednesday, October 16th, 2013

This quilt was made of Half Square Triangles (HST), Quarter Square Triangles (QST), and border prints. The fabric line is Trails End by Moda. I used 8″ squares to make 4 large 24″ blocks for a simple throw quilt. Easy for beginners. I demoed the HST and QST at Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shop, Roanoke, IN.

The border print was cut at 5″ wide and the QST are 5″ unfinished in the corners.

Sorry the picture is not that great. Hoping to take a better one once it is quilted and bound.

Getting It Done … the Cold Hard Truth

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

Eeck! What a month. So many lovely plans and so little done. What I did the most was sleep. I was hit with the vertigo virus that is going around and spent 5 days straight in bed. Bad headache and soooo dizzy. Once I was able to move with out severe vertigo & nauseousness, it was another 11 days before I felt safe to use a rotary cutter or drive a car! It was another 5-7 days at least before I was no longer hit with a moment of ‘wobble’. Strangest illness I have ever experienced. And I wish it on NO ONE! Not a fun time. 5 days straight – too dizzy to read or look at a computer screen. I did try sitting at the sewing machine around day 6 or 7 and realized I was putting myself and the QUILT in danger! It was a very good thing that all my body wanted to do was SLEEP! Otherwise it would have been a very boring illness. God is Good! I have not had any ‘wobble’ moments this past week. Many who have told me they also have had the vertigo virus have said that the ‘wobble’ never goes away. So I’m pleased to say I can again stand on one foot to put my pants on and not fall over!

Here is a look back on September’s List:

My list for September is:

1. Baby quilt for niece. Top is done, needs quilting & binding. (Not touched)

2. Baby quilt for nephew. Finish top. (Not touched)

3. Work on wedding quilt for my son and DIL. Fabrics & pattern selected, make some headway on piecing. (I looked for a new pattern as the one I have is not working.)

4. Finish 6 charity quilts. Tops done, need to pillow-turn & top stitch them.(Not touched)

In the work world of quilting I have the following to complete for Fabrics & Friends Quilt Shop:

1. Ripple Effect pattern by Cut Loose Press (two rows done)

2. Halloween strip quilt. (Done!)

3. Thangles demo for quarter-square-triangles.

4. Blocks for Quick Curve Ruler demo. (Done! and demoed twice!)

New list for October:

1. Baby quilt for niece. Top is done, needs quilting & binding.

2. Baby quilt for nephew. Finish top.

3. Setting aside my son and DIL’s quilt for now.

4. Trying to be realistic about this list! Will I really get to those charity quilts this month? I have finished 8 during the summer, have 6 more to go, but will not beat myself up if I don’t get to them.

List for Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shop:

1. Ripple Effect pattern by Cut Loose Press – finish top

2. Thangles demo for quarter-square-triangles.

3. Sunkist Quilt Top with Ruffled Circles IF the Ruffler Presser Foot arrives in time!

4. Block 4 of Stitcher’s Garden BOM

Here is the only picture I have for last month. And I didn’t even have it on the list! Silly me!

14″ Log Cabin Blocks with Borders using Quick Cabin Ruler for 1 1/2″ strips, by June Tailor

Linked with Judy at Patchworks Times Get It Done Challenge.

Getting It Done

Saturday, August 31st, 2013

In the personal quilting world, I’ve totally fallen behind in “Getting it Done” a challenge of sorts run by Judy Laquidara of Patchwork Times. The idea is to list at the beginning of each month what you plan on getting done quilt-wise for the month, and then at the end of the month post how well you did with your list.

My list for September is:

1. Baby quilt for niece. Top is done, needs quilting & binding.

2. Baby quilt for nephew. Finish top.

3. Work on wedding quilt for my son and DIL. Fabrics & pattern selected, make some headway on piecing.

4. Finish 6 charity quilts. Tops done, need to pillow-turn & top stitch them.

In the work world of quilting I have the following to complete for Fabrics & Friends Quilt Shop:

1. Ripple Effect pattern by Cut Loose Press

2. Halloween strip quilt.

3. Thangles demo for quarter-square-triangles.

4. Blocks for Quick Curve Ruler demo.

Looks like a pretty good list!

Here is what I demoed today at the quilt shop:

Diamonds Are Forever Table Runner.


Diamonds are Forever Table Runner

Thursday, August 22nd, 2013

[Edited Friday, August 23, 2013 - this demo is being postponed until sometime in September. Sorry!]

Saturday Demo, August 24, 2013 at Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shoppe, Roanoke, IN. 10 – 3. This is a fun little table runner, easy to put together and quick piecing!

Playing with Bernina 750

Thursday, August 22nd, 2013

New to Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shoppe in Roanoke, IN is a beautiful Bernina 750 Quilter’s Edition that I get to play with!

Here is a stitch-out of some of the available designs that I may be using in a new Stitcher’s Garden Block of the Month the shop is offering.

Stitcher’s Garden from Stitch Connection.

Block one made with batiks and Moda white. Snowball blocks and fusible applique.

Playing with Tiger Tape

Tuesday, July 30th, 2013

Here I am using Scant 1/2″ Tiger Tape to make 3″ finished Half Square Triangles.

This is a project for Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shop, Roanoke, IN. Using Henry Glass ‘The Kings Arrival’ Christmas Fabric and Trifecta Block of the Month, Block #2.

I repeated the block 12 times and rotated the block for the layout.

Needs quilting and binding.

Playing with Pinwheels

Sunday, July 28th, 2013

Folded or 3-D pinwheels.

Using Charm packs. These are Moda Celebration and Bella Solids.