Archive for the ‘Quilting’ Category

Summer 2015, part 1

Tuesday, September 1st, 2015

Part of July and August my husband and I traveled to Oahu Hawaii. It was a great trip. We stayed with my sister and brother-in-law. And were also treated to a trip by them to the Big Island.

This is Lanikai Beach, Kailua with the Mokes behind us. Look at the turquoise water! So lovely!
Hubs being silly. Ready for some sight seeing!
My sister, Lauren, and I on her lanai. Mountains in the background, turn to the right and you could see Kailua Bay just one block away!
Fresh papayas for breakfast from my sister’s tree!
One of my favorite days was when we found a beach along the North Shore where sea turtles were feeding on the algae. We counted 30 Honu!
The Big Island! Mauna Kea Sunset. It was in the 40s on top of the mountain. Brrr, after a day in the upper 80s along the shore line.
Akaka Falls.
Carl Smith Park, Hilo. We needed another day to have time to swim in the tide pools.
The volcano at night, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.
The reason for the trip to the Big Island was for the HCRA State Canoe Championship 2015. My sister paddled in the Mixed Race, 3 men 3 women.
The team (my sister on the right), coach in light blue in back.
And yes! I did make it to several quit shops! I bought two Row by Row Experience 2015 kits from Kilauea Kreations II in Hilo and from Quilt Passions in Kailua Kona. I visited several other shops: Fabric Impressions in Hilo, Kilauea Kreations in Volcano, and Fabric & Quilting Delights in Kailua Kona. I didn’t make it to Topstitch in Kampala or H. Kimura, Inc. in Kealakekua.  On Oahu, I only fit in one quilt shop visit to Calico Cat in Honolulu. So many more quilt shops and islands to visit! Maybe we will make it back one fine day!
continued in Summer 2015, part 2

A Little Bit of Garment Sewing and Linky Parties!

Tuesday, July 7th, 2015

First up, the cutie grand baby is just about crawling! She is adorable, if I say so myself! She and her parents came for a visit on the 4th of July, Independence Day here in the USA.

You think I should try and get that toy?


Got it!

I did a little garment sewing this week. I hemmed a bridesmaid dress for my daughter. Hope she likes it. And I took apart a favorite t-shirt to use as a pattern to make a new one for myself. It is ok, considering I didn’t have pattern instructions to follow. I did a lot of guessing and practicing on fabric scraps.

With both of these projects complete, I think I’ll stay away from knits for a while and stick to woven cottons! Something like a little paper piecing with Kate Spain’s Paradiso fabric line.

How about you? Do you like garment sewing?

This week I hope to continue working on the Paradiso quilt. Plus meeting a customer who wants some hobo bags made out of some clothing that is sentimental to her. I spent time today looking for hobo bag patterns and have 3 to show her later this week when we meet up.

I’m linking to To-Do Tuesday and Linky Tuesday.

News Flash! I just went over to Connie’s to grab the link to her Linky Tuesday and am pleasantly surprised that she has shared my Mr. Juggler from last week’s link up! Thank you Connie! I am honored!


UFO Busting Link Up

Saturday, July 4th, 2015

Oh where has this year gone!? Such good intentions, and not much progress on my personal quilts. Here is hoping for a better quarter this time around. I’m actually going to make a list. I’ve continued to clean out the sewing space and in doing so I’ve found some projects I must get cracking on. Some I have avoided, and some I have forgotten.

Here is my new idea: hang WIP and UFOs on hangers in my new sewing space so I can actually see them. That way, I’ll see them instead of them getting buried under each other. Seeing them will motivate me to complete them, right? That is that plan, anyway!

# Projects In Process: 8 – from a quick look around the room. Plus 6 baby quilts that are actually now toddler quilts – yes, I’m that far behind. They have been hiding in my old sewing room. And a pile of pillowcases (18?) completed, laundered but need pressing and turned into the charity. And, 3 charity quilts taunting me all sandwiched in need of quilting and binding. 

# Projects Completed: 1 top and back complete and ready to send to quilter

# New projects started: sigh, why do I start new projects before finishing old? 3

# UFOs trashed: 0 Should I reconsider?

# projects in process June 30: Let’s say 17

Linking to UFO Busting with Vicki Welsh

“J” is for Juggler, part 2

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015

Here is my Mr. Juggler all stitched up.

I’m having just a bit of an issue with my new Janome for free motion quilting. My stitches are a bit jerky. You can see how they are out of whack on the back of this piece:

I’ve got to fiddle with the machine’s tension, maybe get a Supreme Slider, and practice! Even so, I do love Mr. Juggler. He is an illustration by Pam Holland used in the workshop I took from her June 21st at Cotton Corner in Shipshewanna, IN. He might be turning in to a pillow, not sure yet. I’m thinking prairie points and pompoms would suit him.

Last week’s quilt show in Shipshewanna was a blast! What a fun get away with several friends!

This week I have to get to that bridesmaid dress and hem for my daughter. That, and playing with some new purchases from the quilt show is all I’m putting on my To-Do Tuesday list.

I’m linking to To-Do Tuesday and Linky Tuesday.

“J” is for Juggler

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015

Sunday, I had the privilege to take a Pam Holland  class. The workshop was held at Cotton Corner in Shipshewanna, IN.

It was a lovely day and an even better experience. Pam is an excellent instructor. Pam showed tons of her lovely thread painting quilts and what she calls ‘drappliqué’. Drappliqué is drawing and appliqué combined that is stitched over with thread.

Pam has a self-published book The Adventures of the Amazing Alphabet, which is a story she wrote for her grandchildren and also a quilt book sharing her drappliqué technique. Patterns included for each letter of the alphabet.

At the workshop, Pam provided a copy of her letters ‘A’ and ‘J’ for her students to use to work through her techniques. I selected the letter ‘J’.

My Mr. Juggler is not yet complete. I still have lots of thread stitching to do. But I was so excited about this project, I just had to show you, and encourage you to take a Pam Holland workshop if you can!

This week’s to-do list includes going to the Shipshewanna Quilt Show for a couple of days with some dear friends! Sewing might happen over the weekend.

I’m linking to Linky Tuesday and To-Do Tuesday.

Row by Row Experience Started Today

Sunday, June 21st, 2015

Today was the kick off for the Row by Row Experience. All 50 US States and Canada have quilt shops particapating in this fun Shop Hop. The theme is H2O.

Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shoppe in Roanoke is one of 58 shops particapating from Indiana!

Here is Fabrics and Friends Row that I had the privilege to design along with co-worker Vicki.

My feet could use a cool dip in a refreshing stream right about now!

Each quilt shop provides a free pattern for their Row. All you have to do is stop in between June 21 and September 8, 2015 and ask for the Row by Row Pattern! Some shops are also offering kits for their Rows at a reasonable price.

I happened to be at a quilt shop today for a Lock-In (more about that later in another post) and remembered to ask for their Row by Row. I’m hoping to get to several new-to-me shops this summer!


Learning Curve

Tuesday, June 16th, 2015

I’ve been trying some new-to-me quilting techniques while working on this little Paper Pieced Flower Pot.

I signed up for Cindy Needham’s Design It, Quilt It class on Craftsy. She recommends ditch stitching ESS Every Stinking Seam. She also recommends using Superior’s Bottom Line 60 wt thread for ESS. After all the seams are ditched, then she does her free motion quilting (FMQ) design.

I bought a sample pack of thread from Superior Threads last year, but never opened it up.

Today, I got it out and there are several of the types and weights of threads Cindy is using in the class. I filled a bobbin with Bottom Line #637 which just happened to be a great match for the back of the quilt. I used MonoPoly a Monofilament thread (Not recommended by Cindy, but I had it, so why not play with it?) in the Titanium Coated Topstitch needle #70/10 that also came in the sample pack. Superior says these needles last much long than standard needles. I’ll be happy to test that out!

To do ESS I switched out the 1/4″ presser foot for my new Acu Feed Stitch-in-the-Ditch Foot.

Following Cindy’s advice, I stitched in every single seam. It was easy with the seam guide on the Acu Feed foot and this project was not that large. I think I’m going to love the Bottom Line thread. I’ve never sewn with 60 wt thread before, it is so thin.

Next up was the free motion quilting. I kept the Bottom Line in the bobbin but used Master Piece in the needle. Superior says it is for PIECING but hey, the color was right, so I went for it. There was a bright green #128 in the sample pack that I thought would look good, but only did a tiny bit of FMQ. I’m just not sure how to quilt this little potted succulent. I moved on to some decorative stitching along the leaves, and the Master Piece 50 wt was good for that too.

The small wall hanging (20″ wide 31″ long)  was finished with yet another new-to-me technique. I used a Flat Felled Foot to attach the binding.

See the little hook type thing on the front left of the foot? It slips under the binding to guide it in place for stitching.

Above, the binding feeds over the ‘hook’ for nice even stitching.

I saw the technique on A Woman A Day blog: Happy Feet Quilt Binding by Lisa Yarost. Hmmm, maybe I saw it first on Pinterest. This was my first time to use the Flat Felled Foot and the results are not perfect, but I do like the method and will use it again. I didn’t read her article carefully and actually sewed the binding back to front instead of front to back, as she suggests. I was glad I switched it because the stitching is kind of off in places on the back. Which would have been the front, which I would not have been too happy about. On the back, it is ok as it is not as noticeable.

This was a paper piecing project from the book Paper-Pieced Flower Pot Quilts by Anja Townrow.

Critique: Cute designs, nice-ish directions for the paper piecing, but there are no instructions for how to put your potted plant into a quilt. Even though Anja shows each pot in several quilts, for some reason she didn’t include any yardage or piecing instructions for the little quilts in the book. Maybe I’m missing something?  I just winged it. Only attempt these projects if you are confident in paper piecing and like to play with settings!

How about you? Have you made anything with paper piecing? Do you have a favorite method?

Next up is hemming a bridesmaid dress for my daughter, and helping her make wine bottle bags for an upcoming bachelorette party.

I’m linking to To-Do Tuesday and Linky Tuesday.

I’ll be doing a demo at Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shoppe in Roanoke, IN Saturday, June 20th on paper piecing.

Easy Piecing

Tuesday, June 9th, 2015

I pulled out a quilt that fell by the wayside last Fall. The pattern is Metro Hoops by Sew Kind of Wonderful. I used Best Day Ever, Designed by April Rosenthal,  Jelly Roll by Moda.

Piles of pieces just cut, and waiting for the next step.

One block complete. I think it is going to look great!

Last week’s paper piecing needs borders. I have to get more fabric. Sigh, another trip to the quilt shop. Just kidding! I love going to the local quilt shop! Fabrics and Friends in Roanoke, IN. I’ll post a photo next week. I just watched a video today on a technique called No Tear Paper Piecing that uses freezer paper. I want to try that out and can see modifying how I paper piece in the future. Thanks Quilt N Bee Quilt Shop!

This week I hope to finish both the paper piecing and Metro Hoops.

I’m linking up to Linky Tuesday and To-Do Tuesday.

Happy Sewing!


Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015

Finally! 3 finished tops this week! They have been a long time coming!

Dance of the Dragonflies, a Southwind Designs pattern. This was made for Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shoppe owner, Deb Roehm. I’m hoping to show the technique as a demo sometime in the future at the shop. Perhaps a quilt from the Southwind Designs line could even be a future class at Fabrics and Friends.

The block is sewn together using squares and rectangles and dimensional squares folded diagonally and stitched into the seams. Once all pieced, you go back and fold the dimensional pieces and stitch the curves in place. The technique is a bit time consuming, but gives a nice finish affect!

This is Dot to Dot, a pattern using the Quick Curve ruler from Sew Kind Of Wonderful. I have to tell you, I love that ruler! This is the third of four quilt tops I have completed with the Quick Curve ruler. Plus I’ve sewn up several other blocks from their pattern line for demos at Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shoppe, Roanoke, IN. I used Moda’s Horizon by Kate Spain Layer Cake for the prints. I’ve made one for the shop and will be making one for me too! The top is 56″ square. You only need 18 – 10″ print squares for this size top, so that means 2 from one Layer Cake, plus pieces left over to use for demos.

This quilt top started from another Sew Kind of Wonderful pattern called Two-Step Topper that I more than quadrupled in size. The original pattern was a 30″ square but designed with no sashing. I went sash happy, dividing the Drunkard’s Path type units with a tone on tone white with a pop of teal in the center. Then I sashed those blocks with a gray linen. The top is now 70″ x 80″ and is going with my daughter to college in the Fall. She picked out  Follie, a lovely white, black, and teal  print by Lotta Jandotter for Wyndham Fabrics for the back.  And she wants a black binding.

Close up of the fabrics.

I’ll be linking to Linky Tuesday and To-Do Tuesday if the links are still open.

I’m also linking to Vicki’s UFO Busting Link Up.

Next up is a paper piecing project.

Dragonflies, Rick Rack and Rectangles

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

The Dance of the Dragonflies is getting there, but not done yet! I picked out the fabric for the borders, but have not gotten to any cutting or piecing on the project this past week. I did get all the little curves stitched down. This is a pattern by Annette Ornelas of Southwind Designs.

Above photo shows the Dragonfly pieced on the left, and curved stitching on the right.

In above photo you see all the dragonflies set together waiting for sashing and borders. Hopefully the wait will end this week!

Moving on to Rick Rack! Have you made binding with the Rick Rack method? The Rick Rack is sewn down the center of the binding, press binding in half, then sew to the back of the quilt. When you turn the binding to the front of the quilt, the Rick Rack now shows on the front and you stitch in the ditch between the it and the binding.

Above photo shows 2 pieces with Rick Rack Binding, next is a Flange Binding, and far right is a traditional binding.

Another work-in-progress is this Rectangle Tablerunner. I used Calypso Batiks and Moda Grunge. Bloc-Loc Ruler for squaring up, and a traditional binding because I thought the prints already had a lot going on with out adding a Flange or Rick Rack. I still have some hand stitching to complete the binding.

I’m linking to Linky Tuesday and To-Do Tuesday List.

Happy Stitching Gals and Guys! And as you finish up a quilt this week, what type of Binding will you be using? Do you have a favorite?