Posts Tagged ‘Studio’

Trading Spaces!

Thursday, January 7th, 2010

On New Year’s Day my two teen daughters woke up with the question, “What are we doing today?” I answered that they had the go-ahead to swap rooms. Youngest gets the room left vacant by an older sibling moving out. Next-in-line gets to move into the spare bedroom we have set up as a library/sewing room. Library moves into the room the girls are leaving, called the bunkbed room. It has two sets of built in bunkbeds, two built in desks and a built in dresser. Three closets, one a walk-in. I get just over half of the space in the bunkbed room as my sewing room! Should I call it my quilting studio?! The upside for me is my former sewing space was 6′ x 6′ in a 10′ x 16′ room, and it will be a 13′ x 13′ space in a room that is 13′ x 24′.  True it does have the disadvantage of two sets of built in bunkbeds. But hmmm. That could be more storage space, right?

Here is my former space.

studio1There is usually a love-seat in front of the bookshelves full of fabric – but it moved with elder child moving out. So I just counted the 6′ x 6′ square of space of the white cabinet and desk that my sewing machine sits on.

Here is half of the vacant bunkbed room waiting for all the library stuff and my quilting stash!

studio2There is a built-in dresser to the left of the desk and then the room is a mirror image of this photo. You are looking into the room from the doorway. At first I thought I’d set up the quilting in this right half of the room. But sons want this half for the computer desk. I get the other side of the room. I’m not showing my new space in all its disarray right now, but I will show the new set up once it is organized!