Posts Tagged ‘Craft Day’

I Should Go to Bed

Tuesday, September 16th, 2008

Such a busy day. A friend was holding a craft day at the lodge at StillWater Retreat. She asked us to bring a salad to share for lunch and she provided desserts.Then for the evening meal she provided homemade soups and breads. I had a doctor’s appt so had to leave soon after lunch. Then I grocery shopped for the concessions for my daughters’ volleyball game that was earlier tonight. Got home and the girls helped me prepare the food. After the games, I headed back out to the retreat and worked on the second of two coordinating twin quilts. I got home soon after midnight and should have gone to bed. But with the fam all sound asleep I’ve been playing around on the internet with no interruptions  :-)   visiting blogs and hopping around. It was a long day, a nice day – minus the prednisone injection into my right ear – through the eardrum! Ouch! I’ll save that story for another post.