Happy May!
So, this week didn’t actually go according to plan. I know I did stuff, but what exactly is questionable. Ha ha!
To-Do Tuesday, April 25, 2023
- Create back for Trip Around the World variation. ✗
- Clean house – it’s been neglected for too long. ✔️
- Featherweight embroidery – finish it up, buttons and border for framing. ✗
- Figure out something for evening handwork – hexies? Hmm. Maybe?
- Daughter’s house – wish I could say the end is in sight! ✔️
What I did and didn’t do -
1. I didn’t work on a back for Trip Around the World. But I did start a new project from the leftover squares. More on that in a bit.
2. Clean house. Mostly accomplished! My bedroom and bath got a major deep clean and sure does look nice! I hope it can stay that way for a while! The other bath and half bath also got a cleaning. Kitchen, dining room, foyer, bathroom floors all got a good scrubbing including the grout in my bathroom floor. Just about the only think still needing attention is dusting the living room and changing out winter decor quilts for spring. All boring stuff I know, but with working on my daughter’s house reno, my house maintenance has been neglected.
3. I didn’t touch that cute Featherweight embroidery.

4. I’m sticking with the hexies for now for evening stitching. And I didn’t get far on them this past week. I’m feeling kind of burnt out on them, yet didn’t dig anything else out to work on in the evenings.

Hexie designs will be added to a background fabric to make mug rugs. I’m aiming to create three to gift to quilty friends.
5. Daughter’s house has insulation in! And also drywall installation has started!

This was once a bathroom! Floor was rotted. The whole room was gutted top to bottom.

Look! New floor joists covered with new subfloor! Plumbing and electric in! Insulation! And not photoed yet, yesterday drywall started to go up! People! This is major progress! And so exciting to see!
Here’s what I did work on that was not on my To-Do list.
1) I started making 9-patches with 2 1/2″ squares left over from the Trip Around the World quilts.

Then they evolved into Granny Squares.

I’ve got 10 finished blocks of the above color way. I think I’ll do a basket of flowers in the center of the quilt and place Granny Squares around it. Then figure out what to do with the 9-patches. No pattern, I’m just playing and building the quilt as I go.
2) I mentioned the Giant Clammy Experience hosted by Latifah Saafir in my last post. Registration is closed, the first online class was yesterday, May 1st. I watched the class and pulled fabric for the first project which is a tote to hold the rulers.

Floral canvas with a mottled red for the lining.
3) Yesterday Hubby and I hung the first pieces of drywall in our daughter’s house! We started in the bathroom. I didn’t get a photo as I had to leave to pick up grandkids from school. Next week there will be more photos of the progress.
Here’s this week’s list -
To-Do Tuesday, May 2, 2023
- Daughter’s house – guess it should go at the top of the list now that we are hanging drywall. Drywall up makes it look so close to finished! Which is deceiving, as there will still be so much to do. But once it’s finished, painting!
- Sewing with my church group Wednesday morning.
- Granny Square quilt – keep at it.
- Hand work at night – hexies for now.
- Backing for Trip Around the World variation quilt.
- Sew Clammy Tote.
- Sew Featherweight Embroidery borders so it can be framed.
I’m being very optimistic here! I might end up helping with drywall more than sewing/quilting this week. Maybe I’ll surprise myself and get to play in the sewing room! Here’s hoping!
I hope you all have a great week in your sewing room/studio. Or garden! It is that time of year here in the USA!
Linking to To-Do Tuesday hosted by Carol of Quilt Schmidt.