Archive for April, 2008

Black Ties and City Lights

Sunday, April 20th, 2008

Prom, Prom, Prom. That is what is happening in my life right now. I’m pleased to say it is all coming together nicely. Food, chocolate fountain, servers, flowers, decorations, rented items, DJ, playlist, portrait photographer, chaperones, set up, tear down, security  – check them off the list, all taken care of! This is not a huge Prom by any means, but no matter the number of teens attending, the details are all still necessary! We guessed we would have 100 teens attend, and at the last count I heard we had 108 teens registered. Tickets sold to 100 teens pay the bills, so insert me doing a happy dance here! Today I worked on sewing up 15 black ties to go around the vases of flowers for our table center pieces.  I’ll have to take pictures of the decorations Friday night to post here after the Prom.  I have two daughters attending this year. Part of Friday involved shopping for the right accessories – shoes and jewelry. I still need to fix straps on their dresses.

Quilting – has not been happening here lately. But here are pictures of three of the five  6″ quilties I made for Lenna’s swap.  


Hubby and Me

Sunday, April 20th, 2008

Here is a picture of my husband and me, taken by my daughter, on our search for Spring on Easter Sunday. We did find a little greenery of Snow Trilliums pushing up through the brown leaves, but no blossoms. Spring was slow in arriving this year. I actually wrote those sentences a few weeks ago, but never posted them. Wow! Time is just flying. I can’t believe it has almost been a month since I last wrote on my blog.


Spring did come! These Pretty flowers are blooming in our yard. DH took the pictures of the Crocus and Hepatica.

crocus2008.jpg hepatica2008.jpg

Blood Root, Spring Beauties, and Daffodils are blooming now too.