Archive for the ‘Quilting’ Category

Rails, Logs, and Curves

Saturday, December 13th, 2014

Rail Fence quilt blocks using Jenny Pedigo’s Quick Curve Ruler.

Log Cabin using Jenny’s curve technique. Love it! Does the corner curve count as a Drunkard’s Path variation? It is the closest thing I have to a Drunkard’s Path this week.

Progress on the Black and White Drunkard’s Path – none! I am still stumped as to what to do about that quilt! Please give me your honest opinion, do you like the white sashing? For me, it just seems too bright. I tried replacing it with a black, but that didn’t work either. (no picture with the black) Hmmm. Maybe the black would work as sashing between the blocks, with the white in the blocks?  I think I’ll give that a try. I’m open to suggestions!

Linking to Vicki’s Cross the Drunkard’s Path Quilt Along.



Tis the Season, Drunkard’s Path Variation

Friday, December 5th, 2014

This little fella needs borders and embellishments. He won’t be finished for this season, but hopefully over the course of 2015, he will be all dressed up and ready for next Christmas.

How are your Christmas projects going?

Linking to Vicki’s Cross the Drunkard’s Path Quilt Along

Happy Story!

Friday, November 28th, 2014

I wrote to Lynne Edwards, the creator of the Creative Grids Corner to Corner Curve Strip Ruler. I inquired about the picture of the blue lily quilt on the Creative Grids website, lovely picture, no pattern. She wrote back saying she would send a copy of her Blue Lily Pattern to me. She gave me permission to use it as long as I give recognition to her. She is so sweet and a very generous quilter!

Here is my Pink Lily all sewn together. Flower stems are raw edge applique.

Visit Lynne Edwards website to see her other beautiful designs and a list of her lectures and classes. She has created several rulers for Creative Grids and also has written books, all listed on her website.

I’m linking to Vicki’s Cross the Drunkard’s Path Quilt Along.

Another Drunkard’s Path Design

Friday, November 21st, 2014

Here is just a little something I’m working up. Inspiration from the Creative Grids Rule website, for possibilities on how to use the Curve Strip Ruler.  All the curve units are a variation of Drunkard’s Path units, with the curve going into the corners.

My version so far. Now that I see the photo, I think I’ll make a few more changes.

The quilt posted on the Creative Grids website does not list a pattern, just a picture. I’m trying to locate the pattern/designer, hoping there is one available – so I can purchase it.

Plans are to  return to my regular scheduled Black and White Drunkard’s Path soon. I have some baby items I need to whip up first. This weekend. For a shower Sunday. I’m so behind.

Linking to Vicki Welsh’s Cross the Drunkard’s Path Quilt Along.

Decorative Tote Covers

Thursday, November 20th, 2014

Oldie but goodie. I created this tote cover back in 2010, or there about.

And it has just recently surfaced on Pinterest labeled as ‘uploaded by user’. I thought I should straighten that out and take credit where credit is due. I’m still not sure what to call it, it’s a tote without handles, it’s a cover for storage using ziplock bags. Future plans are to use mesh bags now available to quilters and crafters in place of plastic bags. Anyway, it is a handy little thing that I get lots of compliments on, with gallon and quart size bags for storage on the inside, and good size pockets on the inside front and back covers. I guess it is a ‘journal’ tote with the bags being the pages. I use it to carry around my bits and pieces of hexies in progress. A quilting friend made one for me years ago with a quilt block as the front and no added pockets on the inside. I have no idea where she got the idea from, put it is very handy.

When gals at the quilt shop or retreats see it, they love the front cover. Then when they open it and see the storage, they always want to make one. A class is being planned for early next year, 2015, at Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shoppe in Roanoke, IN. We are just now working up the next class list, so time and dates to be announced.

The cover was made with Misty Fuse and scrap fabric, and then machine embellished with free motion quilting and decorative stitches. This is just a house shape I dreamed up,  you can use any design you like for the cover. Have fun being creative with shapes and colors! I’ll show a few more covers at the end of this post.

Inside front pocket and Ziplock bags sewn into spine.

Baggies, and back pocket.

Free Form Applique and decorative stitching on back. By ‘free form applique’ I mean using scraps of fabric with fusible webbing – I use Misty Fuse – already fused to fabric, usually left from other projects, and just cutting out shapes and ironing in place in designs I like.

Here are a few more covers that are not quite as ‘free’

Fusible applique, fussy cut bird, ribbons.

Fusible applique pieces, prairie points, ribbon, decorative stitching.

That’s it folks!




Drunkard’s Paths and Stormy Seas

Friday, October 31st, 2014

My Path was a bit windy this week. I just got to my Cross the Drunkard’s Path Quilt Along blocks today, and now I’m not so sure my plan is going to work. I might have to do some tweaking and playing around with them to get them to feel right.

The white seems too bright to me. Maybe a gray would work better. And even tho I’ve shown these 4 blocks with green and blue set stones, my intention is to only use color set stones in about 1/4 of the blocks. More playing for sure, or maybe the white will grow on me?  I’m just not jumping for joy with the look right now.

Earlier this week I worked up another Curve it Up block which just happened to have Drunkard’s Path units in it. See the Star Points – Drunkard’s Path units!

I do like the subtle kind of white to white going on in this block. See Block 1 here.

For the Demo this weekend at Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shop in Roanoke, Indiana, I will be talking about how to use Creative Grids Storm at Sea Ruler using this quilt made by Linda Ridgeway.

And since I like changing things up a bit and showing other uses for rulers, I also made these three blocks.

Oh I just love love love the way this color wheel turned out! I used 12 fabrics from Moda Marbles, Grunge, & Solids, and Jenny Beyer prints for the wheel and Moda Grunge for the background.

All the pieces for these blocks were cut from the Creative Grids Storm at Sea Ruler. I used the Flower Filigree line from Quilting Treasures for the star blocks.

My path lead me on a short road trip this week with Daughter #1 to visit Daughter #2. Among the day’s adventures was a stop in at Crimson Tate! Heather and David are just as personable in real life as they are on their Facebook page! It was nice to meet them and chat for a bit. I could have bought one of everything in the store (if one only had the where-with-all to do so!) but settled for these two lovelies! If you are ever near Indianapolis, Indiana, stop in and visit them!

I’m linking up to Vicki’s Cross the Drunkard’s Path Quilt Along.


Blogger’s Quilt Festival – Bubbles

Sunday, October 26th, 2014

It’s Blogger’s Quilt Festival time, and I’ve decided to enter this year. Bubbles is a personal favorite of all the quilts I’ve made so far this year.

An original design, baby quilt, given to my niece. Simplistic, with 4 floating blocks, spiral quilting, using the walking foot with guide bar set at 1″.

I love the bubble fabric! The back (sorry no picture) is a Batik River Otter Print.

Here is a close up of one of the 9″ pieced blocks:

I’m linking up to Amy’s Creative Side for the Blogger’s Quilt Festival, Modern Category.

Drunkard’s Path Quilt Along 4th Post

Friday, October 24th, 2014

The rotary cutter is seeing a lot of action here this week!

All the pieces are cut for the Drunkard’s Path pieces. Next step is to sew them together. Then I will have more cutting to do for the sashing – and I hope what I am envisioning will look great sewn up.

There were other projects that needed my attention this week. Which means I didn’t get to working on the DP other than cutting out the pieces. I worked on the quilt promised to my son and daughter-in-law. I have completed 27 of the 35 blocks needed for the top, I have decided to enlarge the quilt to queen size. That meant more time spent with the rotary cutter!

I’m 4 days past my self imposed deadline on this quilt. Fiddle Sticks!  Hopefully, next week I’ll have the blocks complete and rows together, than plan out the borders before getting back to the Drunkard’s Path. Here’s hoping!

I’m linking up to Vicki’s Cross the Drunkard’s Path Quilt Along.




Something New, Something Old

Tuesday, October 21st, 2014

Tonight starts a new class at Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shoppe in Roanoke, Indiana. I’ll be teaching Jenny Pedigo’s Curve it Up book using her Quick Curve Ruler. Tonight we will learn how to cut and piece the curves for this Churn Dash Block.

I’m using Sphere fabric by Zen Chic for Moda to make the quilt, but will be using fabric from my stash to show how to cut and sew the blocks together. I should have two quilts by the end of the classes!

Remember the chair upholstery class I’m taking with my daughter?  Here is what I have been learning/accomplishing on it. First off the chair is just about naked. Let’s just say it is jutted. I have stapled new webbing to the bottom (over the old webbing) as instructed, I would have preferred to remove the old and just have the new. But ya got to do what the teacher says. I have re-tied the springs into place and added a new spring to improve the seat. Again, the teacher said to leave the old string – several of the strings are broken, and just re-tie the springs. When it was all done, he said if the old had been removed it would have been a cool picture! Dah! Oh well! And the springs are now covered  with burlap.


Not photoed is the new batting and foam that form the seat, and the upholstery fabric stapled partially in place. It’s coming along.

And here is an old over due project, I had hoped to have completed by yesterday. Sigh. Maybe another week, and I’ll have the top complete.

This quilt was intended for my son and daughter-in-law for their second anniversary. It was yesterday. The pattern is from Elm Creek Quilts, Remembering Victoria. I started it so long ago that I can’t remember if it is supposed to be a queen size, which means enlarging the pattern, or if I was just going to follow the pattern. But, since there is still yardage left after cutting out all the pieces, I’m thinking I’m supposed to be upping it to queen size. That means I’m only about half way there on constructing the blocks. I’ve got to get cracking on this!

Linking up to Connie’s Linky Tuesday over at Freemotion by the River


Drunkard’s Path Quilt Along- 3rd Post

Friday, October 17th, 2014

About one quarter of my Drunkard’s Path units are sewn together.  I only cut out that many, and now that I’m sure of what I’ll be doing, I will cut out the rest of the pieces.

And take a look at this! I finished up the last 10 or so units on my new-to-me Singer Featherweight! She sews such a sweet 1/4″ seam!

Hubs bought this gem Saturday via Ebay! I had mentioned to him that Vicki, from Field Trips in Fiber, had a Featherweight for sale on Ebay, and never mentioned it again. Saturday he said there was an hour left to the bidding. Up to that point, I had not been aware that he was even watching the bidding. Then a hour later he said it sold for $340.00. I asked who bought it, and he says,”You!”  !!!!!!   Talk about one excited girl!  Vicki got her shipped out on Monday and she was on my door step Wednesday afternoon! And of course I had to try her out right away!

Thank you, Hubs!  Thank you, Vicki!

Other news – I’ll be teaching a class starting next Tuesday night at Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shop in Roanoke, IN. We will work through Jenny Pedigo’s booklet  Curve it Up, using her Quick Curve Ruler. I’m using Sphere by Zen Chic for Moda for my Curve it Up quilt.

I’m linking to Vicki’s Cross the Drunkard’s Path Quilt Along. Go take a look at what the others are up to in the Drunkard’s Path world!