A Little Bit of Collaboration

While working up a demo using Creative Grids 45˚/90˚Triangle Ruler, a co-worker mentioned that she was actually using the ruler to make Atlantic Link. She lent me a few of her blocks to use for the demonstration this Saturday at Fabrics and Friends Quilt Shoppe in Roanoke, IN. This ruler can be used for cutting half square triangles (HST) and quarter square triangles (QST) from strips measuring up to 5″ wide.

I’ve worked up a few samples (not photoed) for both HSTs and QSTs using this ruler. It was nice to not have to ‘reinvent’ the wheel, so to speak, this week when working up the demo. Thank you, Vicki, for lending me your pretty Atlantic Link blocks!

This past week was mostly spend helping my daughter prepare for her freshman year of college! We shopped, we ate out, we spent time with her sisters, we cleaned (not enough!) and packed! Then over the weekend her dad and I helped move her into her dorm. Our youngest off to college! The years really do fly by!

I’m linking up to Connie’s Linky Tuesday, over at Freemotion by the River. Stop on by and see what all the other quilters are up to this week!

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One Response to “A Little Bit of Collaboration”

  1. Connie Campbell Says:

    That block is a favorite of mine and I love the fabrics you used!!

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