10 Quilty Little Secrets + One

Amy over at 13 Spools shared a list of her little quilty secrets

and now Christa from Christa Quilts has also shared her secrets. I think these are fun and decided to join in with my own list.
1. I prefer hand stitched bindings but will do a flange binding to get a job done quickly.
2. I can’t create in a messy cluttery space, it puts me in a funk.
3. Gray is my catch all thread for piecing.
4. I’m falling in love with Simplistic quilts, or Minimalist quilts, whatever you want to call them.
5. Basting a quilt in any method scares me.
6. Straight line walking foot quilting is my new ‘go to’ method to finish a quilt.
7. One day I will actually take the time to learn and improve my free motion quilting skills.
8. I love playing with all the different rulers and gadgets on the market.
9. I don’t keep scraps. If I can’t find someone to give them to, I pitch them.
10. I make the binding for a quilt once the top is completed, then quilt it.  It seems like such a big deal to have to stop and make a binding after the quilt is quilted.
11. I want to use up my stash and then only buy for a project.

12 Responses to “10 Quilty Little Secrets + One”

  1. Anne Beier Says:

    I am definitely with you on number 10. Thanks for commenting on mine. This is fun.

  2. Yvonne @ Quilting Jetgirl Says:

    Oh, I always piece with grey thread. The only thing I change is if it is a light or dark grey! ha!

  3. Carla Says:

    I am very much guilty of number 2. I cannot think, let alone work, in a chaotic mess.

  4. Mina Says:

    Wow, I agree with most everything on your list, but #9. I do work with scraps

  5. Judy Says:

    Number 10!!! Stash is starting to make me feel like having UFO’s – all rashy!

  6. Mari Says:

    Love your list! But I do love scraps, and I really sympathize with #11. And I wish I were cleaner about things in the sewing room, but then I’d never get anything done!

  7. Carmen Says:

    I will have to try making the binding before quilting. Might make finishing easier!!

  8. Bernie Says:

    Hi: – Making the binding before quilting is a great idea. I am always so excited to complete it once the quilting is done. I will add that to the process! I empathize with wanting to buy only for projects, and it makes total sense, but I don’t see that happening for me. ;-)

  9. Shauna Says:

    great list, I wish I was more organized. But I’ve found I can only go so long before I have to straighten my quilting area.

  10. LeeAnna Paylor Says:

    okay, you can send me your scraps… LeeAnna at lapaylor.blogspot.com

  11. Jo Says:

    I’m the same with #2. The mess really sucks away my motivation! #11 would be nice to achieve but there are too many pretty fabrics I can’t say not to, lol :)

  12. Vera Says:

    Oh I hate basting too and I love to use what I have on hand as well.

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