Helping Hands

Life took my husband and me to Pennsylvania for about 2 weeks. We helped my father downsize and prepare to move into an assisted living apartment. Dad had the help of his three children and our spouses. We sorted through his life’s possessions and put what we thought he will need and enjoy for apartment living into a temporary storage unit. He is in a nursing home room while waiting for an apartment to become available.

I’ll leave you with a photo of my cutting garden as next to no sewing has happened the past few weeks. Hummingbirds and butterflies have been visiting the garden, so I have not cut flowers yet. Maybe I need a larger garden! Some for the wild life and some for me!

How did I do on the last To-Do List:

  1. FMQ Chic Country quilt ✗
  2. Hand work – Stitching together the days of my Temperature Quilt. ✗
This week’s To-Do List:
  1. Motivation for sewing/quilting it at 0% right now. To-Do: FIND motivation! I must need a break.
  2. I should get back  to FMQ Chic Country  …
  3. I’m keeping up with the daily stitching of hexies for the Temperature Quilt, but not stitching them together yet.

One Response to “Helping Hands”

  1. Jean McKinstry Says:

    Moving a parent is a huge task, and I know with Hugh’s Mum and Dad, they wanted to keep almost everything they had, when they moved to live with us.We stored it for some time here, and gradually they decided what to keep.That way seemed easier than being ruthless for want of a better word at the start. Sewing will return, just give yourself time to adjust to life’s changes/

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