Stuff not on The List

The past 8 days have been very busy. Here are 9 of 20 small panel quilts my daughter and I assembled. Someone else cut the fabric, we sewed, and others are going to tie the quilts. They are all to be donated to a local school group.

Next up, Texture Magic. Fabric on the right has been textured. Hard to see in the photo, sorry.

I’m thinking Valentines Day and used the textured fabric for an applique heart.

Another way to construct a heart is with the Lil’ Twister Template. Start with 5″ squares and put a 3 1/2″ border around them. Use the template to cut  and then twist. Follow the directions, super easy!

And you end up with this!

The date on the Lil’ Twister package says 2008, although it is new to me. But, here is a Twister made without the template, probably 10 or more years ago! I made it back in the day when we cut out our own cardboard templates, and marked the diagonal lines on them. I’m sure my homemade template is around here somewhere!

I made several of these for Christmas gifts for relatives way back then and one for myself. I am still using mine as a table topper.


One Response to “Stuff not on The List”

  1. Susan Says:

    I love the heart! What a great idea. And the quilts – gosh how wonderful it is of the two of you to do these.

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