Still Wrecking, Week #4

I’m late signing up for this week but I have been wrecking. Funny that Jamie suggests we swap ourĀ  favorite page on her post this week as I have several that I am really liking now! Which one would I part with!? I’ve decorated the edges of the journal as you can see in some of the pictures, I’ve added lint, white things, random items, four letter words (with the help of creative friends!), smeared lines, dripped chocolate and other fun wreckage.

I used water color pencils for easy line smearing.

I used water color pencils for easy line smearing.

Friends helped with the four letter words. Aren't they creative!?

Friends helped with the four letter words. Aren't they creative!?

These random items did not come from my couch! They are just random found items!

These random items did not come from my couch! They are just random found items!

I’m joining the “swap please” – - are you?

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3 Responses to “Still Wrecking, Week #4”

  1. Barbara Martin (@Reptitude) Says:

    Oh that’s funny, they do look a bit like couch kibble, don’t they?! Kind of interesting to see what all comes to light — from within and from our surroundings — as we work through these pages. WRECK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Kim Says:

    Wheeeeeeeee!! We get to swap!

  3. Kelley Walker Says:

    The lint page is proving to be very fun for me. I’ve been asking people I know if they have any lint in their pockets – it typically generates a very strange look, a nervous giggle, … and then they laughingly check and hand over whatever they find. :D

    Happy Wrecking!

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