Sand Bagging

At about 6:10 p.m. my plans for the evening changed. I got a call from the Mayor’s Youth Council – my girls attend the monthly meetings – asking for volunteers to do sand bagging as the rivers are about to flood portions of our city. I made two quick phone calls, to two youth group pastors I know, to see if they could arrange to take their teens to volunteer. (It’s Wednesday night, teens are heading to church for 7 p.m. meetings.) Success! both churches sent their teens! I spent about an hour and a half with my girls, a church youth group, a boy scout troop, and a gentleman who just moved to FW – all of us sand bagging. We got cold, wet, sandy, but had a good time and hopefully our  backs will not be too sore tomorrow. I know the sand bags will be put to good use to protect homes in our area.   ….maybe tomorrow night I’ll get to do the painting on felt I was planning on doing tonight. (see previous post)

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